All hell breaks loose part two part 2

Start from the beginning

"No. But I know who could." Sam says


Darcey and Dean stood from afar, darcey watched and was prepared.
She knew there'd be a time where her power would come into use, maybe this was the day.
She could hear Sam.

"Howdy there, Jake." He says.
They then all expose themselves, guns in hand as they slowly walk forward.
"You were dead. I killed you." Jake says
"Yeah? Well, maybe next time finish the job."
Darcey tried to ignore his words, knowing that Sam was in fact dead.
"I cut you clean though your spinal cord, man." The older sister shifted slightly as she felt Sam's eyes shift to her and Dean.
"You can't possibly be alive. You can't be." Jake says
"All right. Just take it real easy there." Bobby says

"And if I don't?" He said

"You'll see." Sam says, his voice filled with anger
"So, your a tough guy all of the sudden? What are you going to do, kill me?"

"It's a thought. " Sam said

"You has your chance. And you couldn't."

"I won't make that mistake twice." Sam says
Jake let out a low laugh.
"What are you smiling for, you little bitch?" Dean says
Jake looks over to Darcey and Ellen.
"Hey, girls. Put your guns to you head.
Unwillingly, the girls did as Jake told them to.
"You see, that Ava girl was right. Once you give into it, there's all sorts of new Jedi Mind Tricks that you can learn." Jake says
"You let them go" Sam says
"Shoot him." Ellen says shakily
"You'll be mopping up skulls before you get a shot off." Jake said
"Everyone put your guns down. Except you too sweethearts."

Sam, Dean and Bobby all slowly put their guns down.
Jake quickly ran to the church door he put the Colt in.
Dean went over to Darcey and moved the gun out of the way of her head as it shot elsewhere, Sam and Bobby did the same to Ellen.
Sam quickly got to a gun though and shot Jake a few times before the former soldier fell to the ground.
Sam shot him twice more in the head.
Beside Dean, they walked up to Sam.
She watched as her little brother cleaned the blood from his face.
When the lock think make a noise, they brought they're attention to it.
"Oh, no." Bobby says
"What is it?" Ellen asks
"It's hell." Is all he says
Dean walked over to lock and pulled out the Colt.
"Hurry, take cover. Now." Bobby tells them."
The siblings all run and hide behind they're own tombstone.
"What just happened?" Dean tells over to Bobby.
"It's the Devil's Gate, a damn door right to hell." Ellen yells back.
"We have to shut that gate." She says
Darcey stands up and follows Sam, she looks back when she saw Dean wasn't following.
"If the demon gave this to Jake.." he says holding the Colt.
"Then maybe—-" he says to continue, but then turns around, only to come face to face with Yellow Eyes.
He clocks the gun and aims it at him, stepping in front of Darcey in the process.
Though, the demon only used his powers and takes the gun from Dean's hands.
"Little boys shouldn't play with daddy's guns." Yellow eyes says,
The then pushed Dean and Darcey back.
Dean flew and hit his head on a headstone. ( not a time for puns.. but.. sorry)
Darcey groaned in pain when she lands on her back,
She slowly rolled on to her side, when she saw that Sam way coming, she flicked her sore wrist and a fire ball headed towards the demon.
Her eyes then opened wide when she saw it coming right back to her, she quickly and painfully moved out of the way.
"Nice try, sweetheart." He says to her, he then turned to Sam, who was pinned to a tree.
"I'll get to you in a minute, sport. But I'm so proud of you. I knew you had it in you." He tells him.
Dean carefully got into his hands and knees, the demon saw and pushes him back against a stone.
Darcey watched, pinned like Dean,  as yellow eyes walked up to her brother.
"So, I have to thank you. You see, some demons can't resurrect people unless a deal is made. I know, red tape, it will make you nuts. But thanks to you, Sammys back in rotation." He says letting out a laugh.
"Now, I was not counting on that but I'm glad. I like him better than Jake anyway. Tell me, have you ever heard the expression: "if a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is?""

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