- "Good evening, I'm Alex."

Type stared at the tall man who stared at him.

And then the man spoke English.

- "You may not speak Thai, but we can speak English."

Type instinctively felt that this man was dangerous. He had the aura of someone who was not afraid of anything and had the gaze of a hunter watching his prey.

- "We could talk in both Thai and English, if we have something to talk about. But we don't."

A strange smile appeared on the man's face. He leaned toward Type and was about to say something when a cheerful and piercing voice was heard:

- "Oh, you're here! And we're looking for you everywhere! Come on, a taxi is waiting for us."

Type saw the kid he met outside the house. The little one seemed upset, but  trying to hide it. Type somehow slipped past the big man and then the kid grabbed his arm and dragged him away. When they left the house the little guy said:

- "It looked like you were in trouble. I didn't know what else to do."

Type nodded and said:

- "I don't know  I was in trouble, but thank you."

The little one looked at him.

- "Oh yeah, you were in trouble. Do you know who he was? Alex L. He is a rich man, the owner of several TV stations, magazines. There are rumors that his family is a mafia ... And I just seemed to resent a dangerous person. "

Type listened to the kid talking very fast ... none of this interested him but failed to break this torrent of words. When the little one finally stopped talking Type said:

- "I'm going this way to look for a taxi."

He could have called Tharn to come for him, but he didn't want to burden him.

- "No, you won't. Let's go together. I'm Techno. I'm an actor. And you?"

- "Type, student."

- "Student? Who invited you? Who did you come with? Are you sure you are not a model or something."

Type shook his head. They kept walking and Techno kept saying:

- "I was invited for the first time. I play a supporting role in the series. Satin, a woman whose house is a famous actress and star. When the agency told me I could come to the party, I was really excited. I've been working with her for a couple of months this is the first time I've been invited ... "

Techno talked and talked, but Type didn't really listen to him. Suddenly he felt Techno push him a little.

- "And did you?" Type looked at him in confusion.

- "Am I what?"

- "I knew you weren't listening to me! I asked you if you went to a party to see Satin?"

Type nodded.

- "I knew it! You're a stalker fan!"

Type didn't understand what this little person called Techno was talking about.

- "So I helped a crazy fan! No, no ... no one should know about this or else my career is ruined !!"

Type let him talk and now he was desperate to see if there were any taxis. When he couldn't take it anymore, he came in to Techno's face and shouted:

When the Devil falls in love (Tharn&Type)Where stories live. Discover now