Chp:3 Hospital Visit

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Violet couldn't seem to concentrate on her work. Her head was pounding. She couldn't remember the last time she had a migraine this bad. With the stress she was under it was no surprise.

The way she was feeling intensely got worse; so she decided to take the day off early. Mentally she was else where and sat on the couch zoned out feeling like she was loosing her mind.

She walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of red wine pouring herself a glass. She looked at the time realizing it was only 2:30pm. She was doing everything in her power to keep it together; but the day had truly taken an emotional toll on her. She wanted to leave, but was too afraid. She knew nobody would help, better yet understand why she stayed, along with a thousands of other women in her situation.

She had been through a lot at a young age and she was still on a journey of finding what real love and healing truly took. All types toxic relationships consumed her life. Between her family and a few dead beat men she had met before Aaron, she had nothing to compare it too. Now she was with a man who was far worse than anyone in her past.

She struggled daily to even take the steps towards healing and finding a way out. She was going into a depression and knew she had to do something and fast. The thing was she had no idea how to keep him away once she gained the courage the leave.

Then a soft spoken voice from her cell phone said "Call from Terri." She let it vibrate a few times debating to answer or not.

She slide her index finger over the phone towards the right.

"Hello," she said trying to hold back tears.

"Hey love just checking on you." "You must have forgotten to call me yesterday."

There was a brief silence. Violet cleared her voice the best she could.

"I'm sorry girl, been catching up on work," she said trying her best not to make her voice crack anymore than it was.

"Are you ok? You don't sound to good."

Then all of a sudden the room started getting dizzy and Violet stood up slowly trying to get her balance.

"Terri...I..I don't feel too...."

Terri could hear a loud thud and the phone falling to the ground! Kimi started barking  jumping on top of Violet's chest!

"Violet.. can you hear me?! "Im calling the ambulance!" She quickly called 911 and headed to her! On her way she called Aaron to let him know what was going on, but he wasn't answering.

When she got there the first responders where putting her in the ambulance! They rushed her to the nearest hospital and Terri followed.

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