Chp:12 Who's Your Daddy(part 2)

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Aaron woke up to hearing loud creepy music echoing. over and over in a damp dark room he found himself in! He was tied to a hospital bed with no idea how he got there! It looked like an underground layer! He was chained to the bed from his feet, head, and neck! His clothes were off except for his socks. He could see two buckets on the floor filled with some type of clear liquid. There was a table of sharp tools and cleaning supplies beside him!
A bag of lemons and about 3 big gas cans sat on the wall across the room, with a dust pan and broom.

"Hey let me out of here," he yelled! Sweat starting rolling down his face. "HEEEYY! SOMEBODY HELP!" He yanked at the chains desperately trying to get loose! He could hear footsteps outside the door to the left of him. He heard a key click and unlock and and in came two masked woman in scrubs!

Julie woke up sitting up against a wall in a sound proof room! Her hands and feet where chains to the wall. There was broken glass all over the wet concrete floor! Her feet were barefoot and bleeding profusely! She yelled out in pain pulling a large peice of glass out her right foot! "HELLO, PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME,"she screamed crying trying to figure out how she ending up there! She couldn't remember anything!

Out of nowhere, a loud voice over an intercom came on saying,

"Thank you for your patience and we will be right with you. You have been specially chosen for treatment of your illness. Please no screaming or yelling nobody can hear you. We are here to make you all better. So sit back and get ready to experience pain like never before," said the voice getting deeper.

Julie screamed jumping up! Glass cut into the skin of her feet bringing her to her knees! She looked around to see if there was anything in her reach to get the chains off! She had the same table of tools and cleaning supplies in the room. She could see a drain in the middle of the room over the hospital bed in front of her.

She started praying and her body was shaking uncontrollably. She was so cold and afraid. She had no clothes on and was in so much pain. "Aaron,"she screamed crying watching her feet countinue to bleed!

Aaron laid on the bed still trying to get free! One of the masked women left the room and shut the door behind her. "Who are you? Listen... whoever paid you to do this, I'll give you more," he tried to bargin with her.
The woman walked over to the table of tools and picked up a large razor and a lemon and turned to him. She took the razor and starting making multiple cuts in his legs! "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, wait please, dont....why are you doing this, you got the wrong guy?! Who are you looking for, he asked as spit came out his mouth from screaming so hard!

"The woman picked up a knife and put it to his throat and said, "YOU!" She grabbed his hand still and pressed it against the bed and cut off his index finger and thumb, ebile dancing to his shrilling screams and the music in the background! She glared at him while peeling a lemon then squeezed it over his cut off finger and thumb! "Dont you want to touch me," she asked? He screamed crying and shaking uncontrollably on the thin bed crying, still trying to get lose. His body shook from the pain, and he start to pissing himself. She picked up a razer and made three small cuts on his penis and poured bleach on it! Aaron screamed louder than a pig getting buchered!! "How does that feel my love," she asked pulling down her mask and starring him in his frighten and lifeless eyes.

"VIOLET I'M S..SOOO... SORRY BABY..... PLEASE DON'T DO THIS! LET ME GO YOU WILL NEVER SEE ME AGAIN....I SWEAR!" The sounds of his begs angered her more.

"My mother, really you son of a bitch? We are gonna have so much fun. Tonight is all about you," she said rolling her body on him seductivley giggling. "You never loved me no one ever has. I don't need love or you any more...You peiece of shit," she yelled punching him in his ribs.

She took off her scubs and stood in a red and black lingerie lace set and climbed on top of him spitting in his face! She punched him in the throat and slappped him as hard as she could. She went to get the broom sitting against the wall and slowly walked over to him! Aaron was coughing and screaming! Tears flowed down his face as he could feel his body going into shock while pissing himself again! Violet walked up to him and leaned in and whispered in his ear......

"If you think that hurt think again, she said with a demonic smile. She made her way over to the gas cans and poured one over the broom handle! She slowly walked over to him playing and rubbing his leg hairs then pulling a hand full out! He moaned loudly wishing she would just kill him. She starred him down tears rolled down her face.

"You want to know something funny," she said glaring into nothing. Her glazed eyes gave a cold,empty, and dark energy. "When you're born into this world we know nothing, everything we know is learned and taught. We get to points in our lives we have been dragged and treated so badly...we lose a big part of ourselves and some of us choose not to heal from the damage, because we dont know how."

She slowly circled Aaron like a hungry zombie. "When we give love and kindness the world rejects it and we are left with nothing but pain and damage unfixable."
She laid her head on his chest trying to hear how fast his heart was beating from fear.
"I wonder if this is how my heart apunded evrytime time you beat me, raped me, or like when you killed my baby."

"I've accepted what life has given me since I can remember and I give in. No more peace or love. Nobody cares," she screamed grabbing a knife and launching it in his thigh
"No one ever thinks about the repercussion after they do wrong, get to see what you've brpught out of me along with everyone else in my life who shitted on me."

She picked up a tazer that sat right next to the other knives laying on the small table. She tazed him and watched as his body jolted uncontrollably! He passed out from the pain laying there lifelessly. "Tired all ready? Oh no we haven't even began, she said jammmed the broom stick up his ass violently over and over!!! Aaron opened his eyes screaming so loud his voice went out!
Blood covered the broom handle dripping onto Violet's hands. Her face was emotionless and she screamed with him as she yelled out mocking him.

His body went into shock and begin shutting down!!

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