Chp: 22 Is This The End?

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Violet flew towards Doctor Johnson and the nurses widly! They ducked and moved out the way! Violet grabbed a hold of Doctor Johnson and grabbed her head!!! They both flew up towards the ceilings! The doctor screamed as Violet slowly statrimg pressing her head in!!! Blood started dripping from her ears and eyes!

She pressed it until her head burst! Pieces of her brain hit the floor and splatted on the nurses! They screamed banging on the door to be let out! Violet flinged her hand towards them and made stand still! They weren't able to move or talk!

A loud alarm started going off and a group of othe nurse tried opening the door from the other side!

She levitated back down on the floor covered in blood walking up to them! She looked at the nurse on the left and snapped her neck! She turned to the one on the right and balled up her fist and his heart crushed on the inside and he fell to the floor!!!

She opened the door and saw the other nurses and running away!

She levitated to the front door of the building and busted the door down! When she got outside a squad of police surrounded the building at gun point!
Violet smiled!

She went to charge them and they started shooting! One of the bullets hit her in the head and she fell to the ground.

Violet awoke in another hospital bed! Terri was laying next to her on another hospital bed restrained! "Terri," she screamed trying to get her to wake up! Terri laid there quietly.

Violet was so confused! She felt her eyes starting to slowly close. She tried calling out Terri's name and saw her standing over her!
She woke up to being chained up in a dark room in a chair!

Terri was sitting in front of her holding a baby! "Terri I thought you were dead, she said crying wanting to hug her! "We are,"she said smiling. Terri walked over to her and unchained her. Violet hugged her and saw she had her baby!
" I knew you both were alive, they tried to lie....but I knew you wouldn't leave me." Terri handed her the baby! It was a little girl, she was so tiny. Her eyes were black and blood was at the corner of her mouth!
"She just got done eating " said Terri smiling at her.

The baby was falling asleep. Violet started crying. "My baby," she said touching her cheek gently. Terri sat next to her placing her arm around them both. They sat there looking at her tiny lips and nose. Violet put her head on Terri's shoulder and she kissed her on the forehead. Violet looked up into her dark demonic eyes and saw a hole in the middle of her head where she had been shot!

Kimi ran in and jumped on her lap barking licking her hand.

Terri smiled at her and gazed into her eyes
turning her eyed black as night. Nobody can separate us now," she said. "Together forever." Violet closed her eyes and breathed out in relief smiling as tears rolled down her face.

Doctor Johnson stood outside her hospital room door and watched her talk to herself laughing and sitting balled up against the wall smiling, kissing and cuddled her pillow.

Before walking back to her office she wrote down in her notes experiment study case 30 failure.....

Doctor Johnson went back to her office and called in a nurse. "Yes doctor,"she said waiting for her request.

"Call my husband and let him know I'm ready for a new case and......tell him we almost did it this time."

"Yes, doctor." And she said smirking then closed her office door. Doctor Johnson picked up a file doler and opened it and added her case to a list of many other cases she had worked on the last few years with her other scientists, working for the government on top secret experiments.

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