"Stop lying to me, dammit!" Dean yelled. "Just tell me!"

 "Fine, you're right, I' am keeping something from you." Keeper admitted sighing. "I'll tell you, but you're not going to like it."

 "If it's coming from you, then I know I won't like it, but tell me anyway." Dean said sighing, as he leaned against the wall across from him and crossed his arms.

 "I know how you can defeat Vassago."


 "The only way you're going to defeat Vassago is by going...dark, you'll have to go full Vamp."

 "No!" Dean said angrily, as he got off the wall and began to pace, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.

 "I told you that you wouldn't like it." Keeper reminded him sighing, as he leaned back in his seat, staring at him and crossed his arms.

 "I'm not fucking doing it, dammit, so think of a different way!"

 "Dean, you know as well as I do that this is..."

 "Don't finish that damn sentence, Keeper!" Dean warned, as he stopped pacing and pointed at him. "Find. A. Different. Way!" He said drawing out each word.

 "There might not be time to figure something else out, Dean! We have no idea when he's going to attack, so we might not have time to get your powers under control."

 "I don't fucking care, Keeper!" Dean yelled angrily. "Find another way, dammit, cause I'm not doing it!" He added, before he left the basement, his Raven quickly following him.

 Keeper didn't follow him; he leaned back in his chair sighing and seconds later Roman came into the basement. Knowing Dean had been down here alone with Keeper, the asshole had to have done or said something to piss Dean off.

 "What the hell did you do?" Roman demanded angrily.

 "Want to be a little more specific, big man?" Keeper replied smirking, as he stood and began walking towards the stairs.

 "What did you do to Dean, dammit?" Roman said, as they went upstairs to the living room, where the others were except Dean, Rose, and Violet.

 "Oh, goody, the whole family is here." Keeper said smiling.

 "Answer my damn question."

 "I simply told Dean the only way we can defeat Vassago is to go..."

 "No!" Zander said firmly, cutting him off, Keeper sighed and rolled his eyes, before he sat on the couch and crossed his arms. "There has to be a different way!"

 "Wait, what the hell are you two talking about?" Seth demanded.

 "Since none of you will let me finish a damn sentence, Zander, why don't you tell them?" Keeper said smirking, as he leaned back, Zander glared at him.

 "Zander?" Paige said confused.

 "He's talking about Dean going...dark." Zander said sighing.

 "Dark?" Father O'Conner repeated confused. "You mean..."

 "I'd have to go full Vamp." Dean said bitterly from behind them.

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