There are still many free rooms available. So, I will be assigned my own room and I can decorate it however I want. My mate is a very kind ruler. That's shocking. I always just heard about his cruelty. No one her has ever seen him showing any kind of emotion. They say his face always remains stoic. Many of the people from the other side never got to see him.

A scary, mysterious Alpha.

Finally, the doors opened. Marry and I stood in a line. I was about to go with Marry when someone took hold of my arm and dragged me away from the line. What the hell?

Ryder was the one dragging me back towards the Royal wing. His face was dead serious.

"What happened Ryder? Why are you taking me back?" I asked but he didn't stop, he just kept walking. What is going on?

"Ryder, stop. I said stop." I said loudly which caused him to stop where he was. I looked around and saw everyone looking at us with a shocked expression. Obviously, everyone will be shocked, the Royal Beta dragging a maid with him.

"What are you doing Ryder?" I asked him through gritted teeth. He was looking everywhere but me. oh god, something terrible has happened, that's why he's avoiding eye contact.

"let's just go inside Berry." He said in a low voice, pleading with me to listen to him. His eyes held sadness. It looked like he was in immense pain.

"You're scaring me Ryder. Please tell me, tell me what happened." I said, getting panicked. My heartbeat increased. And I started to sweat. I was feeling nervous all of a sudden. I don't know why, but I had a feeling that something is not right.

Ryder didn't stop and soon, we were inside the royal wing. When we entered, we saw my mate standing stiff looking and everyone else was standing with their head hanged low.

Then my eyes fell to the floor and all the wind knocked out of me.

No, no! this cannot happen. This is not true, this is not true!

My throat felt constricted, I couldn't breathe. Ryder left my arm and I ran towards the two frozen bodies that were kept on the floor, with tears streaming down my face.

"Father! Maa! No!" as soon as I was about to reach their bodies, Ryder outran me and stood in front of me.

"You cannot touch them Berry." He said with a broken expression on his face.

"Are you crazy? Step aside!" I screamed at his face, wanting to reach my parents.

There bodies seemed like statues carved with ice.

No, nothing has happened. They will be fine.

I pushed Ryder away with all my might but to no avail. He didn't move an inch.

"Let me go to them! Step aside, step aside, step aside!" I yelled on top of my tongue. I could feel my whole body shaking. This is not happening! They are fine. Nothing happened to them.

"Papa! Maa!" I called out to them, in hopes that they will hear me and wake up.

"Please let me go to them Ryder." I begged, clasping my hands together. I tried to side step him but he held my arms, stopping me effectively.

They cannot die! They cannot leave me like this.

Four men came near their bodies, they wore gloves on their hands, and covered them with some sort of cloth and lifted up their bodies to put them on stretchers.

"You know what to do." Came the steely voice of my mate. The men nodded and rolled the stretcher.

"No! where are you taking them? Don't touch them!" I screamed and freed myself from Ryder's hold. I ran behind those men. I was about to reach them when strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind and lifted me off the ground. I kicked and screamed, even scratched the back of the hands that were around me, but to no avail.

Come What May || Completed ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें