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Merlin and Dracula had to slip past broken wood that had previously blocked the entrance, wood that Dracula had broken of course, in order for them to enter the abandoned house.
The floor boards creeked as they walked, faint footprints leaving their mark as Dracula sauntered in his black boots. A cold wind blew chillingly throughout the house, creating an eerie whistling sound, adding to the feeling that Merlin had trudged into a haunted house.
There was spider webs everywhere, the occasional dead spider clutched onto its web. Merlin dodged these webs as best as he could, praying he wouldn't accidentally facepalm into one. There were scratches along the floor boards and pipes, rat scratches. Merlin shivered. Why this destination? Why not a classy hotel, without the stench or hygiene issues of an abandoned house?

However, these things didn't bother Merlin half as much as the Count himself. The hair stood up on the back of his neck because of Dracula, not because of the seemingly haunted place they were currently standing in.
Every time the Count moved in a way that was out of character, Merlin flinched. And Dracula seemed to take pleasure in it, with a sly, crooked smile and a quick glance at Merlin everytime. That probably explained the speed the Vamp would go when he had a destination in mind, forcing Merlin to go into a run to keep up with him.

Most of the room was empty, all that was left was rotting kitchen sides, the occasional damp page of a newspaper strawn across the floor, and bits of broken chip board nailed against the wooden floor, but there was no furniture left. The place had obviously been sitting neglected for years, as a heavy layer of dust seemed to coat everything. Everything.
They made their way to what possibly used to be a living room, as there was an old fire place at the end of the room.
As they got closer to the room, Merlin could hear music.
When he approached closer to the room, he saw an unused fireplace.
On top of the fireplace, sitting on the marble surface, was a Vinyl Player. It played 'Swan Lake, Op.20, Act II' by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Merlin found this chilling. Of course, he'd been alive during the 19th Century, as did Dracula. Memories from the past flooded his mind.

His mind brought him to a palace, the tall windows gleaming from the reflection of the candles, the moon light trickling the floor.
The building was in the style of a Cathedral, but more grand. You could tell that royalty lived here; They only had the best of everything.
A chandelier hung in the middle of the room, crystals dropping down, twinkling from the light source from the candles.
On the huge dance floor, People danced. Ladies, wearing the most beautiful and expensive dresses, swirled elegantly, their skirts swooshing along the floor. They wore elegant silver and white gloves that reached up their upper arm.
In the centre of the room,
The most beautiful woman he'd ever seen danced. She swirled, a charming expression on her face, taking up most of the dance floor. She knew this floor belonged to her; What moves she made, people followed. As she twirled along the dance floor, they moved out of the way, not daring to step into her spot light.
As she danced, her partner did too. This was a tall man, skin as pale as ivory. He had a glint to his eye, a smirk teasing at his lips. His slick black hair shone ravenous under the moon light; He was eerie, as be was charming. He was as elegant as her, carefully following the steps. He led the dance, she followed. All eyes of the ball were on them, the most glorious and divine couple in the building. Their dancing abilities were as bewitching as their appearance.
Finally, after what felt like no time at all, as if time had personally stopped to admire the seemingly most divine creatures on earth, their dance came to a halt, marking the end of the song. The bowed, the woman extending her hand, as her partner lightly kissed the top of her hand. She smiled, collected herself, and left the dance floor, eyes still following her. She made her way to the throne that awaited her at the top of the room, guards standing by, ready to protect their highness.
The man who had been  dancing, too left the dance room, but he didn't follow the Royal highnesses, instead he made his way to me.
"Merlin," the man said, making his acquaintance.
"Count Dracula", I replied, eyeing the threat that stood in front of me. The Count smiled, enjoying the unease I displayed. "Enjoying your time with the Romanovs, I see." I said, both of us making our way away from the dance floor. "You too, apparently.  Otherwise, you wouldn't be here." The Count replied, his white dangerous teeth peeking out from under his lips, ever so slightly.
We  both made our way towards the food area, with no real intentions to dine there, but to talk with no interruptions.

Merlin: The Return Of The Once And Future King.   (BBC MERLIN)Where stories live. Discover now