Part 17

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3 months later

"She won't stop crying, Mo went out, I'm stressed" I cried on the phone to Trey while rocking Jordyn. I had tried everything to get her to be quiet: feeding her, changing her, giving Her a pacifier, burping her, literally everything I could think of and nothing worked.

"He went out? Where?" I could hear the confusion laced in his voice. Ever since Jordyn and I have been home he's been leaving at crazy hours, and then ignoring me when be gets home.

"I don't know he doesn't tell me these things Trey" I groaned placing Jordyn in her bouncer. Instantly she quit crying and smiled a toothless smile at me. Smiling back at her I told Trey my goodbyes and hung up.

Turning the television on low, I got up from the couch. The living room was getting messy from all of Jordyns things so I decided to start cleaning. This was my happy place, I've always loved to clean, it just calmed me.

"Where would I be without my baby? The thought alone may break me." I sung along to Ja Rule as I picked up a few of my daughters toys. Before I knew it I had cleaned the living room, both bathrooms, Jordyn's room, and mine and Mo's room. All that was left was the kitchen.

"As a matter of fact I was the one who said I love you first, it was about eight years ago don't act like you don't know." I sung along to Ray J as I swept the floor. I had just finished washing the dishes and loading them into the dishwasher.

"Hey baby" Mo smiled with his tired eyes at Jordyn who was wide awake staring back with her big eyes. Completely ignoring my presence he went to pick her up, causing her to smile a toothless grin.

"Hi Mo" I made myself known hoping to get a reply. Sometimes when he came home he would just ignore me and play with our daughter. It hurt.

"Wassup Nar" He nodded his head at me, without looking towards me. He fixed Jordyns pink and white bow while placing her down on one of the covers on the couch.

"What have I done for you to ignore me Maurice? Please tell me so I can fix it" He rolled his eyes shaking his head.

"I ain't fixing to deal with this. Bye" And without any other word he left. He was never at home, I was always watching Jordyn or tending to the home. I just wished he helped every once and a while.

@naribee My little Jojo today 💕

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@naribee My little Jojo today 💕

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