Part 9

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Part 9


"Bitch why you ain't tell you was pregnant"

Kenya slightly mugged me as I threw all my hair into a messy wavy bun on-top my head. 

"I didn't tell anyone besides Mo, well until yesterday D found out"

She nodded looking at me. 

"Trey too, he's hurt you got to talk to him"

I nodded sighing. I knew Trey would be so disappointed in me. Trey was my best friend, I told him everything and vice versa. We've been close for ever and I knew he should of found out first.


Trey knocked on my door peeping his head in. He looked defeated. I looked at Ken signaling her to give us some space. 

"Uh I'ma go see if your Maw Maw needs help with anything"

Trey nodded opening the door wider so she could walk out. 


"So it's true huh? You and Mo having a lil baby?"

I looked down nervously playing with my fingers and nodded. 

"How long have you known?"

"Four days."

He nodded looking to the left of me where my huge window was placed. 

"And you told D before me"

I sighed nodding. If I could change it I would of told them both at the same time. 

"He drove me to Maurice's in hopes to cheer me up but I didn't want to talk and he was questioning why"

He simply nodded looking me in my eye now. A small smile crept on his lips and he stood up his arms wide open. Slowly walking to me he bent down, hugged me and kissed the top of my head lightly. 

"Congrats baby-girl"


"Nari why you rush me over here? I thought you was gone stay till Sunday"

My mom asked climbing out her truck looking at me. 

"I gotta tell you and daddy some"

She looked at me questionably but didn't say a word. She walked behind me into my fathers house greeting my older brothers. We walked into the living room together where my dad was already sitting with his girlfriend, Teyana. My mom did a small wave while sitting down. 

"What's up Teddy?"

My dad did a head nod while looking at me mom. She muttered something before paying attention to me. Both of them staring at me made me nervous, this could go so many ways and I was terrified. 

I had tried calling Maurice earlier to let him know I was telling my parents today but he never answered. 

Looking at my brothers they nodded giving me a small smile. I was a mess as tears flew down my face. 

"Im pregnant"

I blurted out while flinching and closing my eyes. I was terrified. I opened my eyes to see shocked looks on both my parents faces. Teyana's face was regular, as if she didn't care. She didn't have to and if I had it way she wouldn't have been here for this news. 

"It's Mo's huh?"

My dad looked at me, his teeth clenched as I nodded. 

"How far along are you"

I shrugged facing my mom. I hadn't seen a doctor yet in fear. 

"I've only taken a clear blue"

Both of them nodded while standing up. Walking to me I flinched closing my eyes again. Hugging me tightly my dad kissed the top of my head. My mom repeated after my dad let go of me. 

"We love you, thank you for telling us"

My mom smiled wiping her tears as my dad did the same for me. 

"I love y'all too" 

Baby MamaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin