Her Pov

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After two month everything is going smoothly I don't no why my parents are very exited like my marriage is tomorrow I don't want to spoil karthiks life but he is not understanding my pov now I like him he is a good guy I have to do something and brake this alliance so I called Ajay today and he said he will come tomorrow and all my besties called today and said that they have some surprise for me.

Next day Ajay came today and he was tensed and what he told shocked me to the core he said my marriage is in 4 days at first I thought he was playing with me but his looks were very serious we are deeply planning to break the alliance when all my besties came at afternoon and surprised means what surprised me more is Maya has two healthy kids 1 boy and 1 girl they both are 1 year kids and pari husband sidharth has moved on in his life and they both now love each other and she is 6 months pregnant and Nivi is also happy in her life and she is 4 months pregnant and Priya is one week pregnent me and Bhanu  are very happy for them. And bhanu is getting engaged two days after my marriage and the worst part is it's an arranged marriage like me and she didn't see the guy till now they are going to meet each other at their engagement.

Ajay though he was helping me he was little tensed however all the plans we tried failed miserably because of my besties now I don't have any other way but to marry Karthik are runaway from the venue though the second option feels so tempting can we do that atleast let me try so I arranged a two wheeler till deserted area their I will shift to train so bhanu was accompanying me because if I leave my bike there I will be traced when I was about to reach the border I felt two bikes are following me after sometime again four bikes joined them now four bikes are following me so I picked up the speed bhanu said that her fiance photo is sent to her but she is not interested to see him but I told her to see him because Priya also changed her decision after seeing him she said ok and was trying to see his Pic but because of signal net is not working. And the six bikes is following us now and they can reach us any moment so bhanu and me swamped our positions I don't no who are they and why they are following me my escape plan is only known to Ajay did he tell to someone...

Ajay's pov:

Shivi and I were playing to break this alliance but I got a call from Karthik to meet him when I met him he said he should not help shivi and waste her life and he said to me he loves shivi a lot I found some geniuness in his eyes so I said ok to him and I was tensed because now I have to cheat shivi but he said I don't have to inform him anything he just want me to fix audio recorder in shivis room and I said ok and he said his sister arthi loves me a lot so he will talk to his parents about me and I was very happy and as Karthik said I fixed the recorded and they made all shivis plans to fail till last minute so shivi thought to ranaway and now she went with bhanu. Shivis bestie Maya,Nivi went in one bike and Pari,Priya went in another bike and this gals has informed the boys Karthik is very mad and angry at shivi all of them are angry at shivi but Karthik angryness is beyond the limit because he has "thali" and "kunkumam" with him now when he find shivi he is going to marry her immediately.Sorry shivi but Karthik is a nice guy he will protect you till your lifetime. Because you are his life now...

Shivis pov:

Suddenly a bike came infront of me and it made me to hault my movement when I was going to move my bike other side all the five bikes started circling us one by one all of them removed there helmets I was scared literally seeing karthiks anger he looked very scary my besties Nivi & Maya was in one bike, Pari & Priya was in one bike,Shan & Varun was in one bike,sidharth & Raj was in one bike and last but not least Karthik and Mahesh was in one bike Karthik was coming near me so I tried to runaway from them but all of them blocked me and Karthik was very angry he slapped me and hugged me immediately while I was trying to free myself from him bhanu was looking her phone for signal  and Mahesh was seeing bhanu like alien Karthik was very angry I don't no what he is going to do so I was praying to Krishna to save me from Karthik......

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