His Pov

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I don't no why shivi doesn't believe in love. I can't understand shivi but I want to change her anyways now it's 4'o clock after 4 hours it's my marriage I have already asked Ajay to be alert till the wedding takes place. Though I am very happy that I am going to marry my shivi but I am little worried for Mahesh he didn't even seen the girls photo and said yes to marriage so now he can't reject or cancell this engagement which is after my marriage.

Bhanu is also like shivi I don't no how there married life be because in my case though shivi hates me I love her but in their case they both hate each other may God bless him and give him peace

At morning I was ready and we were waiting for shivis parents after they came we all went inside after some rituals shivi came and sat beside me she was very beautiful I can't take my eyes from her. After some rituals I tied the knot in shivis neck. I was very happy after that blissfully movement

Now shivi is officially and legally mine......

unwanted marriage ❤❤❤Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat