Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

“Calm down sweetheart, you have a visitor today,”

“An unwanted one,” I scoffed rolling my eyes at the sight of her

“Oh darling, it’s not me. But when he comes by you know exactly what you have to do. Remember the plan Josie.” She stated not even giving me time to reply before walking out

When he comes by? There’s no way in hell she could be talking about him. He’s supposed to be halfway across the world right now to be with his family.

I heard a vibrating noise coming from close by and knew it was mine considering that it was just me in the room, but my bag where my phone is was all the way in the corner of the room. I contemplated on calling a nurse over for a minute, but thought that they’d have more important things to do than hand me my phone which was basically less than five feet away from me. The wires attached to my body allowed me to move a pretty big distance so I swung my legs over the side of the bed carefully balancing the pads of my feet onto the cold tile floor before standing up completely steady for the first time in what felt like forever when in reality it had only been a day. I felt the energy start to deteriorate in me as I took a step and I couldn’t understand why. I felt so weak and so tired.

Once I finally made it to the table where my bag once I had to hold myself up with my arms and take in a few deep breaths.

“Okay just relax Josie you have the phone in front of you just reach it and you can go back to bed” I encouraged myself trying to pull the strength out of me, but I just couldn’t. The added stress Kate put on me made the sharp pain on my head even worse, I couldn’t even focus on breathing and maintaining my stature at the same time. Fuck. What the hell have you gotten yourself into? The concussion was just part of the problem, I still had no idea what to do with Luke, what to tell my fans, I’m sure that photos of me arriving at the hospital had already surfaced and I haven’t even told my parents about my injury, I felt everything piling into me and I didn’t know what to fucking do. I rested my arms on the table letting myself lean against it as I ran through what I needed to do in my mind. Different ideas and scenarios were going through my thought process at the moment before something interrupted it. A voice.

The one familiar voice that belongs to the person who I’ve been trying to avoid regardless of how bad I wanted to hear it.


“Josie?” He spoke

“Jo what are you doing up? This isn’t good for your condition? How come you didn’t tell me you were in here I would’ve came straight away,” he said coming towards me, but I flinched at the feeling of his hand on my arm trying to help me to the bed

“Please don’t,” I cut him off

I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. Today was the last day I could do it and Kate even came by to remind me. I have to do it. I fucking have to.

“Wh-whats wrong?” He asked

I remained silent trying to figure out my next words carefully in hopes that this doesn’t completely ruin what we had. For fucks sake what the hell am I thinking? Of course this will ruin us, he’s going to hate me after this.

I cringed at the even sharper pain entering my mind at the thought of him hating me. But there was no way I could get around it.

He will hate me.

“You’re supposed to be back home in Australia Luke,” was all I could come up with at the moment

“Kate told me you were in the hospital and you’ve been ignoring all my calls, I had to make sure you were okay,” he said

I took in a deep breath to turn myself around and face him for the first time in five days. You don’t know how badly I wanted to wrap my arms around him and apologize for what I’ve done and what I was about to do, but I couldn’t. His blue eyes stared into mine as I fought every urge to tell him how much I missed him.

"I’m fine but- we’re not…" I dragged on miserably failing at attempting to stall a bit before having to finally say it

"What?" He breathed

I bit the inside of my mouth hoping that this pain would keep me from thinking about the pain in my chest from doing this to him

"It’s been three months Luke,"


"The contract is over, so this is where we… end it," I forced myself to say

"But we talked about this, you said that that piece of shit paper would separate us remember? It’s supposed to be you and me-"

"I know what I said," I cut him off

"I only said that so the chemistry between us would be better, guess Kate was wrong about me being a shit actress,"

"You’re lying Josie, you know that’s not true," he refused to accept my words as I let out a shaky breath when he took a step closer to me

"It is the truth. I never- I never loved you, Luke."

"Yes you did. You fucking did. Don’t you dare tell me you didn’t after everything we went through," he said starting to raise his voice

"Kate needed this to work for the both of us so I made it work. I told you whatever I had to in order for this to happen and now it’s over Luke. You knew that from day one." I spoke with a cold voice trying to force out every ounce of strength I had left in me

"From day one? What about day two Josie? That was the real you, you let me in and I saw every part of you that you didn’t want the world to see and now you’re telling me it was all a lie? You can’t tell me you never loved me after what we’ve been through. That is bullshit Josie. Complete fucking bullshit." He spat

I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I let myself go and watched as his demeanor changed at the sight of a tear streaming down my cheek

"It was a lie. Luke just accept it. I never loved you. So just go okay? I need you to-" Before I could finish my sentence, his lips attacked mine. His hands aggressively held my face into his as our mouths formed together just like they always did. My hands reached for his wrists on either side of my face remembering the feel of his skin underneath my palms. His thumb gently graze itself onto my cheek wiping away the tear as the memory of our time together started flooding through my mind. It felt so right being with him, I couldn’t imagine anyone else with me, but I knew it couldn’t be him either.

"Tell me that the kiss meant nothing then I will leave," he said softly still resting his forehead against mine as he spoke I took in a deep breath before opening my eyes to find his still closed as if he was subconsciously bracing for the impact of my words

"It meant nothing,"

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