[1]- Can you hear the sirens?

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The house was run down; The windows had been smashed, the concrete floors were covered in glass and dust, the kitchen was trashed and I was 'lucky' enough to call it my home. I've only lived with my Mother and my twin brother Tyler for as long as I can remember. I never knew my Dad, whenever I bring him up my Mum just yells and then leaves the house for a few hours to drink, so I've decided not to bring that topic up anymore.

I've also lived in the same house all my life. It's only got two rooms too, so my brother and I have to share a room, which I don't mind, as he is my best friend. Tyler and I are almost inseparable. We both play baseball together, we both have the same interests and we have never been in different classes at school, no matter how much our mum tries to get us to be in separate classes.

My name is Dakota by the way. There isn't much to say about me, I'm quite boring. I play baseball and love listening to music. Mostly from bands like Green Day, Blink 182, All time Low and so on. I also skateboard after school with my brother. The only thing my Mum has tried to throw away was my Gibson. She hates it when I play it. She's done all she could to make me stop playing; She's cut the strings, she's cut the cords and tried to smash it. Its easy to say my Mum isn't the best.

"Tyler! Dakota! Get your lazy asses out of bed and get here now!" My mum yelled. Normally thats now we woke up in the morning. Tyler and I quickly got out of bed, knowing that if we didn't it wouldn't end well. "Yes Mum?" I asked. "Who called the police? Which one of you morons was it?" she yelled throwing the empty glass bottle at us, which smashed off the ground hitting Tyler in the leg. "Ow, what was that for?" Tyler yelled, grabbing onto his cut-up, bleeding leg. "Shut your mouth. Who called the police?" She repeated. "No one did Mum!" I answered. "Well. Today they have come to take you away. I hope you feel proud" she screamed at us, one again throwing another bottle at Tyler's leg. "Go pick you bags. The quicker I can get rid of you the better" she ordered pushing us to our room.

"Damn" Tyler sighed "I'm bleeding". I chucked Tyler a sheet to help him cover up the cuts that the glass had caused. "Do you want to move out?" He asked. "I dunno. I hate it here, and I know you do too. But its home y'know" I said.

"Dakota, she hurts us" Tyler said

"I know. Its just. What about baseball? And our friends? What if we get separated?"

"We won't get separated Kota. And I'm sure wherever we go we can still play baseball"

'I guess. Is she going to go to jail?"

"Probably. Whoever called her probably heard to screaming and yelling"

"At least we don't have a lot of things to pack, she sold most of it for her drinking problem"

"Bloody idiot"

"Yeah...where are we gonna go?"

"Probably into foster care. They might send us to Dads."

"If Mum even lets us. She hates that guy"

"Yeah I guess, wanna play baseball Kota? Last game?"

"Maybe. We gotta pack first don't we?"

"Yeah. I guess. Or, we could just leave?"

"That could work"

"Wait. Never mind. There isn't a game on till tomorrow. We're versing the Blue Back Busters"

"Sounds good. Last victory." I joked. I finished packing my bag. "Its about time" my Mum yelled "You're leaving on Monday. You have two days left so take this time to do what ever you guys do because you're never coming back to my place". Tyler and I sighed at the little love that our Mother had given us over the years. We made our way up to bed, slowly falling asleep.

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