First Meeting

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This morning the bus was quiet.  It's been many bus stops you pass, but there were no passengers to board.  Of course, it's a holiday.  Maybe most people are resting at home today. 

But obviously not you, who is daydreaming in your chair now. You brought a small backpack with you.  In the seat next to you, there is the case of a musical instrument.  Yes, today is your first practice schedule at an Queensland Orchestra.

Again the bus stopped in the middle of the trip.  However, you did not budge because you thought no one would show up.  But no, someone is up this time. 

 "Hey, is the seat empty here?" 

You turned around when you heard someone talking.  Someone turned out to approach your seats.  "Oh, yes. Please sit."

You leaned your musical instrument case that you brought in front of your seat, and let the person sit, then daydreamed again. The person sitting next to you is a tall man.  His hair is short and his bangs are combed to the side.  Once he sat down, he immediately put his belongings at in front of his seat as well. 

 "Mmm... you're part of the orchestra too?"  he asked, staring curiously at you. 

You looked back at him.  "You mean Queensland?" 

"Yes. I'm just guessing since you brought a violin case with you," he answered again.  "I'm also part of the Queensland Orchestra." 

 "Oh?"  You're surprised at a glance, it turns out they headed to the same destination.  You smiled.  "This will be my first practice in the second violin section." 

"Wow, how nice," he said happily.  He then stretched out his hand.  "I'm Chen. Eddy Chen." 

"I'm (Y/n)."  You shook Eddy's hand and smile back.


TBC :)


I tried to make an english version of TwoSetViolin Fanfiction for twosetters that doesn't speak Indonesia.

I'm not a native English speaker. Please correct me if I have a wrong sentences:)

Hope you guys enjoy this, it would mean so much to me if you guys vote and comment on my story :)

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