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 Lennox's dads are awesome, and right now I'm entertained by their playful bickering while we all make dinner and squeeze in a little game time with Elli. I've been here for almost two hours, and everything is almost done. Every time one of them makes a joke or throws out a catch phrase Lennox's face turns pink. A few weeks ago, I would have never looked at her and thought how amazing she looks when her cheeks flush pink, but now I can't stop. I give her a once over, starting at her long legs, and up the rest of her body. When my eyes reach her face, she's watching me. I gaze at her soft puffy lips, and all I can think about is taking her upstairs and kissing her all night.

I shake my head of those thoughts especially with her dads in the room and continue my work. Walker has me grading cheese and has Lennox setting the table with Elli on her tail. She adds an extra three settings, and I'm not sure why. Part of me hopes it's not Chase Dawson joining us. I know they had a fight over the phone, but I worry because I'm me and he's - well – he's Chase Dawson, teen heart throb.

She can feel the weight of my stare on her back, and turns to give a soft smile, but it doesn't reach her eyes. What I wouldn't give to talk to Chase and give him a piece of my mind. He's messing with Lennox, and I hate seeing her so on edge about it. At least that's what I think is bothering her. The past few days she's been a little distracted and I hope it's not for that reason.

Walker catches me watching Lennox and is grinning like a madman. I like both of her dads, but Walker's personality kind of reminds me of my uncle, carefree and fun.

The doorbell rings and Lennox almost drops the bowl she's holding. She steadies it, but her hands tremble under its weight. She drops it onto the table and leaves the room in a hurry.

I'm done with the cheese and start to help her dad bring the food to the table. As I set the pot of sauce down on the potholder a familiar laugh almost brings me to my knees. They wobble, so I grip the back of the chair to keep steady. There's no way that voice could be here in this house, my mind must be playing tricks. I turn to help grab something else when Lennox comes walking in holding hands with my mom. If I were holding anything I would have surely dropped it. I'm frozen in place halfway between the kitchen table and the island. Mom squeezes Lennox's hand, and let's go. Behind them Uncle Rob, and Monica appear, both finding it hard to contain their smiles.


Her eyes are filled with tears, and I can't control it, mine sting with them too.

"Surprise." Her voice sounds small.

My feet finally start moving, and I head straight for her. The minute I'm within reach I hold my arms out and fall into her embrace. Her sobs are loud in my ear, and when she pulls away to look at me a huge smile forms on her face, causing her newly formed wrinkles to show. The last few years have taken a toll on her.

"How? Why? Who? What, what are you doing here?"

I'm finding it hard to speak. I wipe some stray tears that fall. Behind mom Lennox is standing there with tears in her own eyes and a huge smile on her face.

"It took some convincing, but your beautiful girlfriend, and her wonderful dads had a big hand in getting me here." She looks between Lennox's dads and Lennox.

"And your uncle." She reaches back, punching him lightly in the stomach. "He might have helped with that a little too."

My eyes go to Lennox, she's still behind mom. Her tears have dried but her brows pinch together.

"You did this?" I ask.

She fidgets with her fingers and shifts on her feet. Her head slowly nods, like she's embarrassed to admit that it was all her. I don't see how she could feel embarrassed, this is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me.

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