Alessandro gives his brother a long hard stare 'Is your brain just not connected to your brain or something?'


The older boys were all chilling in the games room before Roberto entered, this was their normal hangout spot. Alessandro and Francisco battling the twins on the X-box whilst Matteo was busy sexting the girl from last night. 

'We're going on a business trip' Roberto shot a meaningful look at his eldest sons 'Be down in 10, we're staying overnight.'

This was normal for the family, spontaneous business trips. Only to know where they were going once they reached the destination. Knowing the routine, the bags were packed within 20 minutes and were all ready to go. 

Roberto had loaded the bags in the vehicle, and was instructing his men on the journey they about to undertake. Valentina at that moment came running down the stairs and flung her arms around the twins, and then Matteo and Francisco. She looked hysterical, her long black hair in matts and her eyes wild with what ever she was on. 

She approached Alessandro, and he could see the anger in her eyes 'They've corrupted you' she whispered with tears streaming down her face. She didn't bother to try to hug him, they opposed each other. But this time, he wasn't focusing on his distaste for her but he was worried. He could tell that something was off, but Alessandro being Alessandro didn't want to cause a scene in front of everyone. 

'I've gotta go mom' he gently shoved her back, not wanting to cause a scene, 'We'll talk about it when I get back' 

Valentina didn't respond, but just clutched her hair as if she wanted to tear out her thoughts from her brain. Her eyes met Roberto, and their was an ocean between their communication. Two ships in a violent sea, each fighting for their own survival but when a wave would hit, who would survive? 

'Wait Dad!' Xavier furiously attempts to pull on his shoes 'I want to come'

'Another time mio figlio piccolo, look after your sister' he quickly presses a kiss onto his forehead before ushering his older children out the room.

The three of them stood, staring at the door each praying for a different thing. Xavier, that he was older and could join them, Gabriela that they would come back and play with her and Valentina, well Valentina wanted them all back apart from Roberto. He was the cause of her anguish. 

Valentina broke the silence by announcing 'Ok children! You know how your big brothers are going on a trip - well so are we! So quickly run up to your room and pack all your favourite bits ok?' 

Xavier knows that something is wrong, he might only be 6 but he can tell that his mother's erratic behavior isn't normal, and surely his dad would have warned him if they were going on a trip wouldn't he?

'Xavier!' Valentina interrupts his train of thought 'Go now - take Gabriela with you and be down in 10.'

He grabs Gabriela's hand and runs up to their room where they both throw everything they own into their suitcases - they're children, they don't know how to pack.

'Mummia! We are done' Gabriela calls down as she slides down the staircase.

Valentina looks at the door nervously 'There you are, took long enough didn't it'

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