chapter 26 - Clyde Is Coming For Her Bonnie

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Previously On Hers

Bey's Pov

As I basically sit holding cell whatever you want to call it, I've been nothing but worried and the only thing on my mind is if erica survived and if she did is she looking for me i hhave nothing left but hope as I'm deep in thought i hear distant chatter coming towards the room i'm in. The door opens to reveal my captor and behold to dumb fuck himself Marques....

Marques: Hello Giselle *smirking*

Me: *says nothing only thinking what drove him to this*

Marques: so you not gon say nothing to me huh *kicking bey repeatedly in her stomach*

Me: *coughing up blood smiling* I always knew you were a pussy nigga, you lure women in with your charm but under that pretty face of yours is nothing but a devil in disguise. You beat, raped and I got pregnant with your seed and i thank god everyday she didn't become like you, i've always wanted to tell you thank you, thank you for raping me if if wasnt't for that horrible moment i wouldn't have such a caring and loving daughter, thank you for beating me you left me with insecurities that i thought no one would love me for then i was blessed with a beautiful wife that loves me for who i was and who i becoming so loves me in ways you couldn't. You see god has a way of working mysteriously and don't worry your time is coming. THIS ISN'T THE WAR YOU WANT

Erica's POV

Let me catch yall up on what happened and what is about to happen since we found out its was marques that took bey shawn has been following him and tracking his every move, tommie has been watching his bank accounts and let me tell you this man has six offshore accounts which is very suspicious to me. I forgot to mention we have mr savage in the basement... As tommie begins to hack Marques's security system I began to make my way to underground as I'm getting closer to the door I hear donny scream in agony and a smile creeped up on my face.

Me: *Watching from a distance putting my latex gloves*

Donny: *screaming like a bitch* I'm sorry please spare me

Cyn: maybe I might if our answer my questions correctly *slapping him upside the head*

Nicki: *sharpening the hunting knife* okay mr savage what are your relations to marques houston? And why do you feel like you wasn't suffer for snatching somebody's wife *staring him in the eyes*

Donny: I'm sorry he said that if I got her for him then I'd be paid handsomely I needed the money to pay off my student loans i didn't want to hurt nobody *crying*

Me: *walking out with a switch blade* but you shot me in front of the mother of my children ... do you know what getting shot feels like donny?

Donny: no *fear fills his eyes*

Me: *shoots each shoulder smiling*

Donny: *crying*

Me: now I want answers and I want them now or things will get real sadistic from here *devilishly smiling playing with the butterfly knife*

Donny: I'll talk I'll even join you please don't

Me: *slowly caressing his cheek*

Cyn: *whispering to nicki* she doing the cheek thing

Nicki: *looking at cyn* baby you better get her before she kill that poor boy

Me: you know I can hear you right nicki? I'm not gonna kill him *smiling with sinister things swirling around in my head* just yet I'm going to fucking torture him *breaking donny's index finger* maybe I should go for your dick next you wont be needing that

Donny: no no please erica please I'll tell you what you want to know just not my manhood *battered and bruised*

Me: *eiken surfacing and push donny's head back* I need you to listen close to word coming out of my mouth I will hang you by your feet over a bath tub slit your throat and watch you choke on your own blood then proceed to bath in it *whispers in donny's ear something only he can hear then he breaks down*

Nicki: What did she say to him?

Cyn: Knowing her ???? ANYTHING

Nicki: But she got him crying

As I was about to get the answers on the whereabouts from this fool tommie rushes with the worst news

Tommie: ERICA THEY GOT KING AND BLUE!!!!! *trying to catch her breath*

EIKEN: THEY HAVE MY WHAT?? *Turning to donny*

Cyn: Yup that's it issa bout to be another episode of unsolved mysteries *clapping* fuck it I'm so for murder spree

Nicki: we know you sadistic bitch *laughing*

Cyn: but you love this sadistic bitch tho *kissing nicki*

Nicki: that I do *kissing her back*

EIKEN: *clears throat almost sound like a growl* e

Cyn: My bad Jazzy

EIKEN: you better start fucking talking now savage before I get savage and I'll enjoy it but you won't

Donny: I know where he's holding you wife *looking down crying* just please dont let him hurt my grandma and niece their all i have left

EIKEN: speak now and I promise to make harm come to your loved ones I swear it but I just the location *rubbing his back* my kids and wife are not something I play about I will murder you and cry at your funeral like it wasnt me

Donny: it's 48°52.6′ south, 123°23.6′ west

EIKEN: I'm losing my patience donny

Tommie: Wait those are coordinates *puts in the stats* oh shit this is one smart fuck!!!!

Me: What?

Tommie: this nigga is in the middle of the fucking ocean

Cyn: Say what?

Me: *smirks* he's in the middle of the ocean Cynister but I have something for that ass tho

Shawn: *walking in* I got the weapons ready all have compressors on them especially your HK UPS MATCH guns erica

Me: *high giving shawn* my nigga

Nicki: Did somebody diving gear?

Me: Alright listen up we going in stealthy,  In and out type shit shoot a muthafucker if you have too , Nicki Cyn yall with me get yall dive gear make sure yall tanks on point, check yall air filters if they on point or not if not I got yall some new ones make sure yall weapons clean

Nicki: Say Fucking less *smirking*

Cyn: We gotchu *grinning*

Me: Shawn you are the driver and sniper you watch our backs , take out any motherfucka you see trying to creep *looking at shawn*

Shawn: alright boss *nodding*

Me: Tommie you get the speed boat ready and fill with gas and make sure you ready hack this muthafucka security system, I want you tapped into his phone, computer everything I dont care make it happen

Tommie: already on it *typing away in the computer*

Me: Let be known that Clyde Is Coming for Her Bonnie

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