Chapter 12

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Erica's Pov

Last night was fucking amazing i've never cummed like that with anyone not even shad well cyn has but i was in thought about a threesome with me, cyn and bey damn that would be sexy as fuck then i was snapped out of my daydream by Yonce

Bey: Babe . Baby . Erica ...... JASMINE !!! *snapping fingers*

Me: huh ..... yeah babe ?

Bey: Whatchu thinking bout?

Me: oh nothing baby ..... 

Bey: tell me *looking concerned*

Me: i was wondering *starts speaking fast* IfWeCouldHaveAThreesomeWithCyn?!?!?!

Bey: What slow down repeat please

Me: I was wondering if we could have a threesome with cyn if you say no i will underdstand 

Bey: *doesnt say anything* 

Me: Baby Say Something please ........... Baby ?!?!?!

Bey: i have something to tell you erica *starts to look down*

Me: Tell me what princess?

Bey: *takes deep breath* Well ... here's goes nothing *looks away* I have a daughter named Blue Ivy Carter 

Me: *silent* 

Bey:Say something please *starts tearing up*

Me: Stop crying *lifting her face to mine* remember queens don't cry my mama told me , the prettiest smiles hold the deepest secrets , the prettiest eyes cry the most tears and the kindest hearts feel the most pain .... baby i already knew about blue i was just waiting for you to tell me 

Bey: Wait .. How did you find out ?

Me: King , that time your mom watched him .. he said "auntie bey has a little girl mom" In the beginning i didn't believe until he showed me a picture of him and blue then a pictures of you and her when she was born 

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