chapter 23

500 23 2


After reading the letter i opened the door and went straight to her room and knocked on the door and waited for her to open it as i was about to walk away and isolate myself again she opened the door and hugged me like she hasn't seen me in forever and i just melted in her arms. 

Me: i miss you so much *holding on for dear life*

Bey: I missed you so much princess *kinda crying* i missed you beautiful face and smile so much I didn't know how I would handle this frustrating separation.

Me: *curling up under bey falling asleep*

Bey: *kissing her cheeks and playing in hair and humming until they are fully asleep* 

*flashback over* 

Erica's Pov 

I woke up just staring at her, wondering well actually asking myself and god what did I do to deserve such a beautiful, loving and caring woman. When I first met her, I never knew how special she was. I never knew we would get this close, I never knew our relationships would get this far. Now I see and feel her love. I never thought such strength could be. When she sleeps unaware that I'm watching looking at her face with love in my heart, I never thought in a million years that I could love someone as much as I do her. For someone as special has her to want me as her wife. Her voice is such a blessing , all will go crazy trying to find the source of her voice, travelling day and night to the ends of the world trying to find the source. The radiant glow of her smile is endless, it shines through rainy clouds and reaches the end of the universe and missing the chance to see her smile I couldn't think of anything worse. I treasure her love more than the rarest thing in existence; she may not know how much I need her. Maybe that's why I'm so scared to lose her that she'll find someone new and better than me. The way she laughs, the way she thinks and the way she walks is so real and I don't think I can measure to what she needs. She deserves much more than what I can give her, more than what I have. She deserves only the best, so my question remains how did she end up with me? How I have her I have no clue, maybe for the first time in my life I actually did something right for once.

So now actually sitting her watching her sleep and deep in thought, I am very lucky and blessed to have the greatest and rarest treasure in the whole world. Every time that I look at her, I thank whoever placed us in the same place. A charm you are a good luck charm to me, one that constantly brings me joy and happiness, you're my gift from heaven in this life of mine and I'm proud to the other girl's your mine. Someone like her  comes along once in a lifetime It brings me so much happiness I hope the love we share continues to grow each day I pray for the bond we share to never go away Honey, I don't know what I did to deserve her, but I'm sure glad I did it. 

As I gently caress her cheek then kisses her nose her eyes start to slowly open and a smile slowly crept on her face and she spoke.

Bey: Good Morning Beautiful, What are you think about?

Me: I was thinking about what did I do to deserve you *burying my head in her neck*

Bey: princess you did everything to deserve me *kissing her cheek* this peace invading my being when, you are shining serene to my heart, your beautiful brown eyes. The way you hold me in your arms, the way the stars are shining, I'm feeling the mystery of life, through your beautiful brown eyes. When you say that you love me, Being there, showing you care, Nothing in this world matters, only your beautiful brown eyes. Even the day is coming with sun shining bright on sky, Even night is falling with a glowing moonlight, my sun, my moon will always be, You. If I was a love poet I'd write about how I melt in front of you like an ice sculpture, every time I hear the vibration in your voice so whenever I see your name on the caller ID my heart, it plays hop scotch inside of my chest. Yo it climbs on to my ribs like monkey bars *laughing a bit*and I feel like a child all over again. I know this sounds strange but every now and then I pray that God somehow turns you back in to one of my ribs just so that I would never have to spend an entire day without you.I swear, I'm not a love poet. But if I was to wake up tomorrow morning and decide that I really wanted to write about love, my first poem it would be about you. And after all of that she was like, so how do you feel about me? And I said, put it like this: I want to be your ex boyfriend's stunt man. I want to do everything that he never had the courage to do like... trust you.

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