Ch.15 Operation ( Get My Wife Back Pt 2)

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(a/n play the video while reading )

Erica's Pov


Bey: Erica this beautiful *starting tear up a bit*

Me: Baby it's all for you I'm showing you how much i love you you deserve more than this *wiping bey's tears away*

-Flashback over-

So here I am with the love of my life looking me right in the face with tears in her eyes. I can't stand the fact the shad fucked with my girl and made me have so many sleepless nights without her. As we sit down i started with an apology

Me: I'm sorry for all the hurt I've caused you and I regret the things I've done. I've lost the 1 girl I've ever loved and it was cause of the things I've done. Baby I feel so bad right now, cause I tore your world apart, and now all I can think about is how I broke your heart.  These tears that run down my cheek are filled with sadness and hurt, because I loved you so much and  I messed up and now I see that you mean the absolute world to me. I know sorry's not enough because I'm such a fuck up.. But for whatever its worth I wanted to say, that you cross my mind every single day and that i'm sorry for letting him get to you and i hope you can forgive me.... *tears in my eyes while i hold her hand*

Bey: Erica Shut up *gets up and sits on me* I forgave you already I love you too and i can tell you're sorry your apologies have been sincere *kissing her passionately* Let's go home Mrs.Mena

With being said i picked my wife up and carried her to the car bridal style. I'm happy i got my wife to be back now here come the proposal, I'm scared out of my mind right now on the drive home so many thoughts are going through my head like "What if she says no?" or "What if she says she's not ready". As these thoughts in my head speed around my brain a mile a minute I try my best to keep my composure and stay calm. With in a few minutes we arrived at the house , everything was with the rose pedals and candles call me a hopeless romantic if you want but to do the best for my lady. I got out of the car and opened the door for my lady carrying her into the house bridal style

As i opened the door rose petals and candles everywhere with Boyz II Men On Bended Knee playing in the background (in the multimedia) 

Rose petals leading up the stairs i whispered in her ear that i love her with everything in my being and i chose her over everything except our children

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Rose petals leading up the stairs i whispered in her ear that i love her with everything in my being and i chose her over everything except our children. As we made our way to the to the bedroom i still continued to say romantic things to her

Me: You have always been my biggest supporter and fan. You've always had my back and in your eyes, I can do nothing wrong which has built my confidence throughout my life. Thank you darling for loving me unconditionally and forever! You have made me the woman I am today and I will always love you with all my heart. People say they would love to have a wife that would do anything for her wife. I have that in you and I appreciate all that you do and have always done in my life. I love you *Opening the bedroom door revealing what i have set up*

 I love you *Opening the bedroom door revealing what i have set up*

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Bey: Erica you didn't have to do all this for me *holding my face*

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Bey: Erica you didn't have to do all this for me *holding my face*

Me: *Caressing her cheek* i did because you've been nothing but good to me , we may have our ups and down but at the end of the day we are in this together 

Bey:  I made all the right choices in life because I had the right person to help me make them.. 

Me: before we continue this i need you to close your eyes and follow me 

She did what she was told and followed me to the stairs 

Me: okay slowly open your eyes and look over the balcony * as i get on one knee*

As she look over the balcony she saw something that made her cry 

As i am on one bended knee she looks at me shocked with tears in her eyes before she could say anything i said why i wanted to marry her

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As i am on one bended knee she looks at me shocked with tears in her eyes before she could say anything i said why i wanted to marry her

Me: *holding the ring up*Have you ever met someone you think about every night and every day, someone so beautiful it's breathtaking and words just aren't enough to say? Have you ever met someone so special you can't imagine life without,someone you want to talk forever and learn everything about? Have you ever met someone just as crazy who wanted to have just as much fun, someone you can dance all night with and together watch the rising sun? Have you ever met someone so amazing you wish you could pause the time so it doesn't end? This someone is you, *with tears in my eyes*  I don't know much about fighting but i know i will fight for you, and i don't know when i'm gonna die but i hope that im going to die by you. Your personality cannot be matched. The way you are always caring for others before yourself, the way you never give up, your intellect is at such a standard, it is unknown but what if I told you I wanted to love you for the rest of my life? Would you let me? Ever since i laid eyes on you, I knew for a fact it was a dream come true. Everything my heart desires, In one single go, fell into my lap, made my love for you grow. I know now my life is complete. With all my heart and soul. You met me broken and made me whole. No more struggles or battles to compete. Now I see Beyonce Giselle Knowles will you do me the honor in marrying me? 

Bey: Erica I ..............

(CLIFF - FUCKING- HANGER !!!!!!!!!!! damn erica is spilling her heart to bey

What do think bey will say? Will she say yes or will she say no?)

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