Chapter 1

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Erica's POV

Its been a tough year for me after Shad and I broke up, Ive been through a rough time. I mean, he meant so much to me. I could say, I really loved with him but not as much as i had loved cyn and about cyn we made up and i apologized to her about how we left off and the whole situation but we are really close friends more like sisters. But clearly the relationship between shad and i , it didn't work out. And on top of that, i was pregnant for him and had a miscarriage i was so depressed bout not having my baby girl and I've heard that he started dating again, so I've got to move on to. I put on a casual, tight black dress and some red heels. Imma enjoy myself tonight, and not think about bitch boy .

Cyn Texts me

Baby Mama : We're on our way. Don't be late bitch

Me: Almost ready girl.

Baby Mama: Hurry up woman

Me: Alright Alright im leaving out the door .

Beyonce's POV

Bey: Ugh , Where the hell is my dress, nicki??? * throwing all my clothes out the closet*

Nicki M: Shit.. I think it's at my house *blushes*

Bey: *puts on a sad* Noooo!!! *looking at all the clothes* What am i suppose to wear now ?!?!

Nicki M: Bey, just put something on. It's not like you're going to see any fine ass men tonight or at least, we're not going to focus on that. I haven't seen you in ages. So it's just me and you time, okay?

Bey: Okaaaaay!!!

I grabbed my black skinny jeans, and a white crop top and we have been friends since we were little. She moved back to Trinidad when she was 16. And now she's back!

Bey: I'm so happy your back. I've missed you. I've missed us.

Nicki M: Me too boo now lets go! *smiles and hugs bey*

i decided to treat nicki out to Tuyo Restaurant that makes the best contemporary cuisines in miami .

Bey: reservations for Ms.Knowles

Waiter: sure right this way ms.knowles

nicki and i followed the waiter to our table . the table we got was by the window the view was beautiful .

Waiter: Would you like something to drink

Beyonce : i'll have a glass of D'USSE

Nicki: I'll have some red wine

the waiter went for our drinks and so we decided to catch up on things like love life's , relationships etc. ive missed nicki so much its like she took a piece of me when she left and now i have my best-friend im so happy

Erica's POV

Me: you and your english accent are too cute *i laughed*

Aaliyah: Damn that waiter was fine.

This chick always hunting for men i swear .

Cyn: Could you just stop for a second *blushing*

Me: So how's your music going Cyn?

Cyn: It's going pretty good. it was received very well. your producers wants to go for an album and this one is going to be released in the US! *Erica and Aaliyah screamed*. I know right!? My dream is finally coming true. I never thought .....

Cyn's POV

Cyn: It's going pretty good. it was received very well. your producers wants to go for an album and this one is going to be released in the US! *Erica and Aaliyah screamed*. I know right!? My dream is finally coming true. I never thought ....

I stopped talking. I recognize this look on her face. Erica was looking at this girl coming in. She was walking with... Nicki!

Cyn:Nicki !!!!!!!! *i yelled and she looked at me*

Nicki: Cyn!!!!

I stood up to give her a hug. The other girl smiled at us. Erica was just staring.

Aaliyah: Stop staring, you horn ball *i whispered*

Erica : *blinking a few times, and blushed then looks down*

Nicki : I've missed you girl! I've seen your video. It's a great song, congrats!

Cyn: thank you boo *smiling* come sit with us! let me introduce This is Erica, and Aaliyah. Erica, Aaliyah, this is Nicki .Erica looked up, but not at Nicki .

Erica :And who are you? *asking shyly looking at the other girl*

???: Hi, I'm beyonce . Beyonce Knowles but you can call me yonce or bey

Erica's POV

Me :And who are you? *asking shyly looking at the other girl*

???: Hi, I'm beyonce . Beyonce Knowles but you can call me yonce or bey

This girl is beautiful. I'm not ashamed to say it. I play for both teams. I like boys, and girls. It's like having the best of both worlds. Lately I've been into boys more. I mean, Shad . Ugh. But after a long time... Aaliyah nudged me. I guess I'm staring again. Fuck. I'm blushing too. Nicki sat next to me, and Bey sat in front of me. How am I going to contain myself? Okay. No. Erica, don't be such a perv. She's is just a girl, just like you. Nothing more, nothing less.

Cyn: We already ordered our wine. What do you want to drink?

Me: All drinks are on me!! *i smiled*

aaliyah: It's her birthday today, and she wants to spend money on us. She's always like that.

Bey: Happy birthday *smiling at erica*

Me: Thank you *smiling back*

Nicki :yall going out tonight or nah?

Aaliyah:*shook her head *i dont think so

Nicki : Why *starts pouting*

Me: *looks down*Well. I just got out of a bad breakup. So I'm not feeling the partying.. the dancing.. you know.

Since Shad, I really didn't feel like partying anymore. I don't even know why .

Cyn: We're just going to take her with us *whispering to nicki*

nicki : You know what. Have some fun tonight, its your birthday. Don't let a stupid ex ruin that okay?

Bey: Girl, I've been through that. The being sad, and not doing anything fun anymore break up. That ain't gonna work. Have fun. Do you boo!

Beyonce is right i mean why feel down over a lil bitch boy who broke my heart and on top of that fucking his baby moms behind my back i dont deserve that i deserved to be treated with respect and loyality and i fell for his tricks want me to tell you why i had a miscarriage , i had a miscarriage because of him, he pushed me on the ground and i fell on my belly he took what i wanted it most just to purposely hurt me and he did a good job it was a reality check like you cant trust nobody not even the nigga you sleep with..

Cyn: Where's the fun, bitchy Mena!?

Me: She's right her bitch !!

The waiter brought over our wine. We raised our glasses.

Me: Let's have a great night! *looking at beyonce smiling*

Bey*smiles back to Erica*

Goddamn she is beautiful her smile everything I'm going to make her mine if its the last thing I do , she will be Mrs.Mena believe that !

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