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"Harry." My voice trembled. Hot, wet, salty blobs ran down my cheeks as I stared at Harry, not wanting this to be true. Louis. His name skimmed the surface of my mind.

I grew angry.

"Amanda, what are you doing?" I got up, Harry's phone still in my hand. Well now it was a fist.

"Amanda!" I felt Harry's hands on my arms but I taught him off. I started running, and I ran right up to louis. I knew what I wanted.


"Amanda, oh my god you weren't supposed-"

"Oh so you wanted me to live in this facade? Pretending to love me? I can't believe you, I though you actually cared about me!"

"Amanda, I do! I care and that's why I didn't want to hurt you."

"You should have been honest Louis! I can't believe you would actually pretend to love me! This is so humiliating! I just can't- you just- I can't-" I started sobbing hysterically and Harry came and scooped me up from where I fell on the floor.

"I told you to tell her. Now look what you've done louis."

I buried my head into his strong chest and continued to cry. He carried me back to his bedroom and laid me on the bed. He didn't crawl in like I was used to louis doing. But instead, he kept his distance.

Well, as much distance as you could keep in this small rabbit hole.

"Harry?" I said when I was calm enough to where he could understand my words.


"I want to go home."


"Back to my hometown. I want to go home."

"Amanda, you cant. I would miss you, Liam would miss you. All of us-"

"But I can't be around Louis. Ha, I guess Liam is very wise. He actually predicted this. He said if this ends badly, you two won't want to be around eachother." I laughed. It was an empty, dead laugh. Liam was really smart.

"Oh. Well we can't stop the tour for you-"

"Then Ill just drive home. Harry, I need time to think. I need time away from everything. I need to talk to my mother. Drop me at a hotel or something."

"I won't do that to you."

"Harry, please let me just think for a while. Can you please understand that?"

"I understand, it's just that... I don't want to lose you."

"Harry-" I didn't know what to say. Harry cared for me so much, but I couldn't seem to develop real feelings- or maybe they were already there- because my fangirl feelings were in the way. Of course I wanted to date all of them, just like a normal fangirl. I couldn't know if I had real feelings. I know I had deep feelings, UGH all of this feels thinking is making my brain hurt.

Bu I knew I wanted to be alone right now, and just go home. I needed a break. I needed to be away from this. From Louis. Just, alone.

"Alright. But I'm buying you a car before we drop you off."

"Harry, I'm not gonna let you waste so much money on me."

"It's not a lot. And it's not a waste. I would love to but a car for you, besides, if you want to leave, you need a car."





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