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we head back to the bus in darkness. wow, that was such a wild show. the boys were buzzed, and so was i. i guess that nap was needed because i knew i wouldnt sleep tonight.

"Louis, that was amazing! thank you so much!" i hug him tightly when were on the bus.

"your very welcome. you did excelent on stage darling."

"i dont know where it came from. it was like something natural or something."

"im glad you had fun."

"me too. when is your next show?"

"Tomorrow night. but dont worry, we are going to celebrate your birthday tomorrow." he smiles.

"i said no fancy parties Louis."

'i know, so thats not what were doing. i still want it to be a suprize though."

"alrigh Lou." i scoot over to him and snuggle into his side.

"im so happy i remember you." my head didnt really hurt anymore, i had freaking stitches in my head, and i dont feel them omg.

[hey author here, im sorry if this sounds a little flat, (the chapter) but i just got in trouble for listening to One Direction "to loud in a library like dang calm the frickbricks down its just music, you dont even know me anyway so why are you freaking telling me what to do. gosh. but yea so aparently she used the "too loud" crap so she cant hear it. WELL IM GONNA GO HOME AND BLAST IT SO HAHAHHAAHAAHAHAH WHAT YOU GONNA DO! lol that made me feel better. now back to the chapter which might sound better hahah. i know this is really unprofessional and stuff to like talk from myself in the middle on the story, but oh well aparently i break the rules so yea :} byeeeeeeeeee]

"me too. it hurt me alot when you couldnt identify me, and for the time being, you thought i was just Louis from One Direction."

"im really sorry." he looked at me and cupped my face, his small hands covering only my cheeks. He placed his forehead on mine, and let out a sigh.

"It's not your fault Amanda." He whispered.


"Don't blame yourself, it was just a shower accident."

"Ok, I won't."

"Thank you beautiful."

I felt like I just needed to take a pause from life. This was happening SO fast and I didn't know what to do. It was just a little more than a week ago that me and Louis met, and now we were in a serious relation ship and we were already sharing a bed as of the second night.

I was only (almost) 18, and I know my mother wouldn't approve of me in such a serious relationship. Maybe I just... I don't know. Were relationships supposed to be moving so fast? I don't know...

It was just so confusing. While I had this part of me that knew I shouldn't be so serious with a boy I just met, but the other part of me was just so in love with him, and never wanted to walk away from him. And I constantly gave into that side. But I wasn't complaining.

Louis had removed his head while I was deep in though, and he was talking to Niall. I smiled. But he still hasn't been talking to harry much. I decided that I wanted to talk to Harry. So I looked around the bus for him, and eventually found him in his small living quarters.

"Hey Harry!" He looked up at me from his bed and smiled. He sat up and pushed his fingers through his dark curls. My god he was beautiful. Sorry, fangirl feels again.

"Hey Amanda!" I bit my lip. His accent was amazing.
Shut up fangirl feels, your dating Louis. I had never acted this way before. Oh great.

"What's up?"

"Oh, I was just looking for someone to talk to."

"Something on your mind?" He he gestured to the spot beside him and I sat down.

"Not really, I'm just a little bored."

"Ah. Well I don't think I will be sleeping tonight, I'm too pumped from the concert."

"Yea, you guys did a great job."


We sat together on the bed in akward silence for a little bit.

"Amanda, I cant do this anymore."

"What? Did I do something wrong?"

"No." He sighed. "And yes..."

"What's wrong?"

"Amanda, I cant do this. Seeing you with Louis and all the happiness and- it's really bothering me."

"Harry." I was shocked. I though he was okay with it, I thought he had moved on.

"Amanda, please do something. Please just- be with me."

"Harry, you know I'm in love with Louis."


"Harry-" he looked deep into my eyes, and for a moment, I thought they could read the depths of my soul.

"Amanda I can't do this. I'm in love with you and I can't let you go."

"Harry you know I cant-"

"Louis dosen't care for you!" He quickly covers his mouth.

"What are you talking about?" I start breathing faster, my face riddled in shock. Harry stays silent.

"Harry, whats going on?" I whisper. He is turned away from me, and I grab his shoulders to move him to me. "Harry."

A tear slips down his face as he silently pulls out his phone and unlocks it. He opens his messages and clicks on a recent one with Louis. He hands me his phone.

"Read them." Is all he says. So I start reading.

L: hey Harry

H: your talking to me?

L: I just wanted to say that I'm not mad, I mean, I'm kinda falling out of interest with Amanda. It was a show for her.

H: well your a hell of a good actor. Wait, what do you mean? You don't love her anymore?

L: I don't know man, I mean, she has been really clingy and with the nightmares, I just don't want this. I liked her at first, but I don't feel anything now. I just don't want to hurt her. So I'm pretending till I figure something out.

H: you can't do that to her man! That's terrible! She is very lovely and doesn't deserve to be treated like that. I love her, and you can't do this to me.

L: Harry, please I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt her please just help me.

H: lou, you need to tell her.

L: no! I just... I don't know!

H: your a horrible person.

L: god your so supportive I'm so glad were best friends >;c

H: please don't hurt her

That was the last of the conversation. Tears flowed down my face. He didn't love me. Only harry did. Harry. I turned to face him.

Was he mine now?

My famous Long Lost BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now