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i wake up besides louis and smile. neither of us had a nightmare after i went to sleep with louis. i kiss his nose and he opens his eyes.

"morning princess."

"morning babe."

i bit my lip and remember last night.

"that kiss was a bit steamy." i said.

"yea... im happy we didnt take it to far though, i dont want to steal your innocence."

"aww thank you Louis. i knew you wouldnt go to far when i didnt want to."

"of course babe."

he took my hand and we walked out to get breakfast.
"There you are! Amanda i was worried when i woke up and you weren't there." Liam said.
"Louis screaming didn't wake you?"
"He was screaming?"
"Yea, i had another nightmare." Lou said.
"Oh. Im sorry to hear that."
"I slept much better when Amanda came to my room."

"Great news sweetheart, your on the front page."
Paul was handing me a magazine. I was on the cover holding louis hand in my pink dress on the night we were mobbed.
The headline read "Louis new girl?" On the inside, their were pictures of my from the airport, but thankfully my red bottom wasn't showing.

"Hey, i want to tweet a picture of us lou."
"Alright. Be prepared, your phone is gonna blow up."
I open my twitter app and click "new tweet." Then i type "its true, I'm dating Louis Tomlinson." And i snap a cute picture of me and him. I post it and get millions of Notifs saying people commented, or people liked/retweeted.

"Wow, thats a lot of people." a few comments catch my eye and the things they say vary.

some say things like "congrats!" or "lucky!" or "OOOh Louis and Liam could become brother in-laws!" i blush at the last one

but some are mean like "FAKE LOUIS IS GAY." or "Louis is MINE." or "yea, right."

i knew these mean things would happen, but seeing them myself really hurts alot more than i expected. the ratio of good comments to bad isnt even and i dont like that. my eyes burn; tears threatening to spill.

"whats wrong love?" Louis rushed to my side and held me.

"the comments, they dont believe me." i say starring at nothing.

"im sorry love. people saw some really nasty rubbish. me and the lads just ignore it. we figure they have nothing better to do but sit and made rude comments about people."

i nod but i still feel like crying. without further warning. a tear slips down my cheek. Louis rubs it away.

"please dont cry love." i try, i really do, but his concern for me makes me cry more.

"aw." Niall says. his face is concerned and i know he dosent like seeing me like this any more than Louis.

"here, im gonna tweet something." Liam says. "they have no right to make my sister cry."

he pulls out his phone and unlocks it, his thumb poking the Twitter app when its open. we all watch him type for a bit, then a notification that stands out from the rest appears on my phone. "New Tweet from Liam Payne". i click on it and read what he says.

@Real_Liam_Payne: Everyone who tweeted some rubbish on my sisters last tweet ought to be ashamed of themselves. She and Louis are very happy together and your mean comments made her cry. think before you type lowlifes.

i was shocked. i have never seen Liam tweet something like this before, but he was sticking up for me, and it felt really good.

"im going to make a statement to" Louis says quietly.

My famous Long Lost BrotherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora