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authors note: you guys are probably gonna hate me for doing this, but idk i just had this idea so i went with it. just a fair warning, you may need tissues for this chapter omg i hate myself for making poor Louis so sad. im gonna be crying with you haha. well i hope you like it, now we start the chapter from Louis POV.

-Louis POV-

i hear a soft weep for help comming from the bathroom. i had heard a loud *bang* moments before. i rush to the bathroom, grit my teeth bc she will probably be naked, and i open the door. i see her, she has haphazardly thrown a towel over herself but she is covered. its all wrong when i see the blood washing down the shower drain, and it wasnt from her bum. it was comming from the large gash in the side of her head. 

"OH MY GOD!" i scream. "BOYS HELP ME!" 

i run over to the tub, she weakly says, "help me Louis." and then she blacks out. thats when i lose it all. "NO!" i scream. i pick her up, not caring that the water from her limp body penetrates my thin clothing within a matter of seconds. 

Harry bursts through the door, Niall at his coattails. 

"Harry get out of here!" 

"i promise i just want to help Louis! we have no time to argue anyway, hand her here, your emotionally distraught."


"FINE! Give her to Niall then!" 

i just stare at him. 

"Lou, hand her to me, you cant think straight, me and Harry want to help her." 

i continue to stare at both of them. 

Niall sighs as he kneels down beside me, then groans at the pressure it puts on his sentitive knee. he extends his arms and takes Amanda from me. i watch him quickly carry her out of the room, but when he thinks i cant see him, he hands her to Harry. i want to protest, but i can only think about making sure she is ok. 

"we have to dress her in something!" Harry shouts. 

this i protest to.

"ill do it! you dont need to be seeing her naked!" 

"do you really think i would do something?" 

i roll my eyes as if he was playing dumb. 

"OH MY GOD AMANDA!" Liam screams. he takes her from harry, and a weight lifts from my chest that i didnt realise what there.

"ill dress her." Liam says.

i nod and he takes her to mine and her room. 

he comes out, and she is clothed. 

"let me take her, please." i pout and Liam hands me to her. 


the bus increases in speed and i feel numb. lauren is still bleeding, so i go to my room and get the towel and hold it to her head. i realize that blood alot of blood was staning mine, Liams, Nialls, and Harrys shirts. their was blood on my hands from holding the rag. i feel her stir once and i feel my heart jump. her eyelids flutter. 

"Lou?" her eyes are still cold. 

"oh my god, your awake."


"im right here baby, i always will be, i promise."

"kiss me." i place my lips on her damp ones. she is very still, it was almost like she wasnt breathing. but i checked and she was, and she was still awake. 

"im sorry i fell." 

"why? its not your fault." 



"louis. who is louis?"

i stare at her as she blacks out again. 

my eyes are wide with fear. 

"who is Louis."

the words bounce in my skull. 

"liam. can she get brain damage? she just said who is louis." 

everyone goes silent. 

"ANSWER ME!" i scream. tears blur my vison. i couldnt stand it if she forgot who i was. i cant lose her. she comforts me and she keeps me happy. i couldnt live without her. not since the first day i laid my eyes on her; i knew i couldnt seperate from her. 

"its quite possible." Liam finally says. 

i ball and hit the table. Harry took her away from me moments before i did. the bus stops and Harry walks out the door. Liam is the only one that follows. 

"everyone besides Louis, stay on the bus." 

a silent agreement is said. 

i follow Liam out into the warm night, Harry already inside the bright hospital. i run towards the door and i see Harry talking to a lady who calls "emergency! code red!" the take her from Harrys arms and place Amanda onto a gourney. 

i follow them, and so does Harry and Liam. 

"immediate family only." 

"im her full fledged brother." Liam says. 

"right this way." she allows Liam to follow, but stops me and Harry. 

"please! i think she forgot who i am, i need to know she is ok!" 

"you can see her after we run some tests." 

"please!" i shout. 

"im really sorry." 

"louis. please." Harry says. 

"Harry stop!" 

he puts his arms around me and lifts me up. 

"LET ME GO HARRY!" i scream. 

he says nothing and brings me to the waiting room. my anger quickly evaporates, leaving heart wrenching pain behind. i cry. silently. i know i must look very ugly. and i know its unavoidable, so i go ahead and cry on Harrys shoulder. 

he rubs my back and i hear him sniffle. 

"im really sorry for being so hateful towards you Harry. Thank you for helping Amanda. im so sorry."

"its alright louis. do you stil love me?"

"yes, of course" 

tears roll down my lips and when i look up, i see Niall and Zayn standing over us. they are both crying. we all sit and wait for hours. 

finally, at 1AM, a nurse comes and says, "Louis Tomlinson?" 

"yes?" i reply. my voice is dry and strained. 

"Amanda is awake, you can see her." 

i run to where i saw her last and there she is. hooked up to a bunch of things. i run to her, and i see her eyes are open. 

"thank god amanda!" 

"Louis, i wouldnt-"

"how do you know my name? who are you?"

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