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me and the boys follow the nurse after saying a breif goodbye to Louis and Stacy. we walk down the long hall and take in the medicine and steril smell. we finally come to her room, and walk inside.


-Amandas POV-

im in an empty hospital. its dark and it looks as if it has never seen the light of day. vines and weeds grow up and down the walls, the walls are broken and dirty. the windows that provide no light are brutally broken. how can i see if its this dark? i can tell their is no light, yet i can see everything perfectly. the tile floor is ice underneath my feet. they are bare. i look down at myself and see a torn nightgown covering me. i do not know how i got in an abandoned hospital, or how i got into this tattered gown. i decide to look around despite the fear that resides in my gut.

i walk out of the small room i was in and i shutter. its freezing in here. i look out a broken window and see i am very high up. i quickly back away from it. i see footprints on the floor marked and make pronounced with a dark, red liquid. blood.

but its not mine. or is it? i see blood on my gown it seems to be trailing down my left side. i reach up a hand and touch ragged, wet, warm flesh. i have a gash in my head that is bleeding profusely but i cannot feel it. i do not feel dizzy at all from blood loss, nor is my head pounding. this is very strange and i dont like it.

my hand comes away covered in blood. i grimace and lay it on my side.

a blood curduling scream rips through the halls and it makes my heart accelerate at the speed of light. it sounded like a man. i am not alone.

i run down the hall, towards the direction of the scream. why am i running towards it? i want away from it. from the blood, the hospital, the terrible screams. they multiply and i run faster as if my legs have a mind of their own.

they stop outside a heavy metal door, and thin bar of light escapes from under it. i see a handle and pull on it. the heavy door opens and i sheild my eyes from the light that floods them. i see a horrofic sigh in front of me. the man who must have been responsible for the scream lays in a pool of blood. his blood. mine pools at my feet, and when i move, i slip coating myself in the warm liquid.

his arm is gone. i scream and run to him. i dont know him but i know he needs to be safe. his cinnimon hair is dotted in red, agony on his face.

"Oh my gosh, how can i help?"
He is is too much pain to reply.

I finally feel the effects of my head wound. I feel dizzy, but i try to stay with the boy. I look at him again and a name surfaces.

"Louis!" I have to find the owner of that name. I feel a deep emotional connection with this boy.

I open my eyes when i feel someone holding me. I see cinnamon brown hair, but it isnt covered in blood. Neither am i .

I am shaking from the graphic nightmare. He mutters sweet things against my ear. I eventually calm down.

I open my eyes because i had shut them again, and stare into Louis eyes. Its as if flood gates open up and memories flood into my brain about this boy.

I blink.

"L-Louis?" I ask.
"Do you remember me?" I smile and kiss him.
"Yes, your Louis Tomlinson, my loving boyfriend."
"Oh my god amanda!" He cries into me and kisses me, not getting his fill.
"Louis, what is it?" I remember hitting my head, and now this. Thats all i know.
"You-you forgot me." Tears well up in my eyes. I forgot him.
"And Liam."
"liam!" I cry.
He rushes over to me and jump out of my hospital bed. I run into him and he gives me a bug hug.
"I cant believe I forgot you guys, that must have been terrible. Me talking to you but not knowing who you are..."
"I was really scared you would forget me for good. I just couldn't imagine."
"Louis. My nightmare. It was even worse. It didn't even start off normal this time."
"I don't understand. They shouldn't be getting worse."
"I don't like it Louis. I didn't know who you were in the dream, and it was only when i saw deep in your eyes who i was, that i remembered."
"I want to make them go away."
"I know you do. But now i don't ever want to fall asleep again."
"Hey, were in a hospital, how about we ask someone about this?"

"i think their just dreams Louis."

"but why are we having these nightmares about eachother?"

"...i dont know." i think about it. they started on the night we met/became a couple. we really rushed things. i slowed down and thought about it. basically, our relationship was basically, "he kissed me, i kissed him we became a couple." and i know Louis loves me and i love him alot. i just think we majorly rushed into things.

"Louis, i was thinking... we rushed into this relationship.. i mean, you kissed me, i kissed you, and then we started dating. i had met you not even an hour before..."

"what are you saying? please please dont leave me."

"no! no, its just that i think we need to slow down. we had just met and acted like we had been a couple for years."

"i guess we did rush into things.. but i mean, we were gonna get here anyway.."

"Louis, i think we need to slow down for a while. we can still date, just refrain from kissing so much. and i want us to learn more about eachother before we dive into all that PDA and- OH! maybe we shouldnt fall asleep in the same bed. i think that is a little to much for having met only a week ago."

"but Amanda-well i understand-i mean-i know where your coming from."

"Thank you."

"But what if one of us has a nightnare, and the other one isn't by their side?"



"I guess we are still going to to sleep in the same bed. I hate waking up and your not beside me. And also, i have gotten used to falling asleep to your songs and i live hearing you breath as i fall asleep in your arms."

"I cant sleep without holding you. I need you to fall asleep now."

"Awww louis." I rub my nose with his.

"Your so adorable." I blush.

"You are free to be released if you wish."
I look at the doctor.

"Wait! I have a question!" i yell as she turns to walk away.

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