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We broke apart.
"Liam, I'm sorry-" louis tried.
"Why were you snogging my sister?"
"Shes my girlfriend.."
"What? Amanda, you don't know..you guys dont...you just met ok?"
"But i fell in love with her when i laid eyes on her at the airport! Liam, please don't be unfair!"
"Amanda, you just got here. Do you really want to complicate things with a relationship?"
"I don't think it will complicate
things Liam." I said, louis holding me for support.
"Besides, i don't see it a fit decision for you to be dating my sister, what if you two split? You wont want to be around eachother, but that will be inevitable."
"What if we don't split Liam?"
He sighed.
"You really like her?" Louis nodded.
"Then i will support you guys."
"Your not mad?" I asked.
"No, i could never be mad at my sister." He smiled and hugged me.

"thank you Liam, i appreciate it."

my head was still spinning. this was all happening so fast, and i barely knew Louis personally. i still felt his lips on mine and i smiled.

"are you sure you want to date me? i mean, im a fan you just met and-"

"but i already know im going to love you."


"really." he smiled and placed his lips on mine again.

"whats with all the kisses lou?" i said when he broke apart.

"i just cant help myself." he grinned.

"how about we go tell the others?"


he took my hand and we walked down the stairs together to tell the boys.

"hey what-hey you guys are holding hands." Harry noted.

i nodded and looked up at louis.

"yes, were holding hands Harry." Louis said.

he pouted.

"can i consider this a breakup lou?" he asked being sarcastic.

"yes, im no longer in love with you Harry."

"noooooo!" he bust out laughing.

"you guys are so funny." i said. then something hit me. Louis was 22 and i was almost 18. that was a 5 year difference almost...

"louis, i just realized that your five years older than me.."

"well thats ok, im not a child mollester or anything..."

i lightly punched him in the arm and smiled.

"i know that."

"maybe you didnt." he grinned and picked me up and spinned me around.

"hahaha Louis put me down!" i was giggling to much.

he was laughing to and finally he set me on his hips. i kissed him and he took me over to the couch and we sat besides Niall.

"arent you rushin into this?'' Zayn asked.

"i think it will all work out." Louis grinned and started tickling me.

"no stop!" i was giggling uncontrolably.


it was like when i had a tickle fight with my brother. but this time it was a tickle fight with kisses. he kissed me whenever he could, momentarily stopping my giggles.

"hhaha louis stop!"

i felt strong arms lifting me up, but they felt diffrent from louis' grip. i saw tattoos that belonged to a certain Harry Styles.

"Harry, what are you doing?"

"i wanted to talk to you about something." he said in his slow, thick accent.

he was still holding me in his arms.

"ummm ok, ill see you in a minute lou!" i called as he took me out of the room.

we arrived in the kitchen and he put me down. wow he was tall. i knew he was 6" but dang. i stared up at him and he started to speak.

"Amanda, i just wanted to tell you something. i see your very happy with Louis, but i see i moved to late. i wanted to tell you that.. well i uh..."

i became concerned, althought i didnt have any idea where this was going yet.

"i-i fell in love with you too."

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