Rest of the wedding ;)

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Authors Note : Got my energy drink SCORE it was so good :D now quite hyper indeed hehe well here you go bye :)


Beck's POV :

Dancing is so funny espeically slow dancing 

Over Harry's shoulder i can see Skyler and Niall ATTEMPTING to slow dance and it is very funny

Me and Harry, well what can i say we are like pros at this sort of thing 

"Want to head up to our room" Harry asks winking at me

"Sure" i giggle  

He takes my hand and leads me to the elevater we wonder around the fifth floor on till we find our room and for some reason quitely open the door .

"Why are you being so sneaky " i ask Harry he shrugges his shoulder and laughs

"So....." i drag on

"so...................." Harry drags on even longer

"We are not doing this " i chuckle

Harry takes my hand once again and brings me towards our bedroom and you know what happens next (im not explaining it because it would be awkward for all of us)

Lorna's POV :

This day has been amazing and unforgettable

I noticed Harry and Becky leaving a few minutes ago to do god only knows i chuckle slightly

When suddnely i get spun around and am facing my husband

I love saying that Husband 

"Shall we go m'lady " he gestures i giggled and lead the way

We headed up to the master sweet and once again you know what happens(again not explaining )

Skyler's POV :

Where the fudge did everyone dissapear .. wait nevermind i know 

"Where did everyone go" Niall asked me

I stared at his and put on a are you serious look "Its a wedding" i said he laughed and kissed me 

"Maybe we should copy huh"he asked wiggling his eyebrows i laughed and we ran all the way to the sixth floor we bursted through the door and ran straight to the bedroom(once again not explaining)


Six months after the wedding


Skyler's POV :

I can't believe its been six months since Lorna and Damon got married time really flys

"Hey love, good morning " Niall said in a groggy voice 

"Your still tired go back to sleep" i groaned

"Not if your awake" he fought back

"ok then stay awake" i answered

He laughed and kissed me 

Then i jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom and began getting sick,Niall soon followed and saw me

"Love,whats wrong " he asked his voice full of concern

" I don't know but for the past month i have been getting sick every morning for the past three  months but i don't know why ?" i stated

Niall's eyes went wide with excitement "You don't think , do you ?" he asked

The thought really didn't cross my mind " i don't know maybe" i said

"want to find out " he asked still very excited i nodded


After a half an hour it was confirmed i was pregnant 

Niall was so happy and so was i me and Niall were going to be pregnant 

"Skyler i can't believe it !" he practically yelled 

"Niall calm down and go call the guys and girls ok" he nodded and skipped off to the phone

I laughed at him and sat down trying to take this all in , i always wanted to be a mother and now i will be and i think me and Niall would make great parents

Then inturrupting my thoughts Niall ran in with look of amazment in his eyes

"What now " i sighed 

Becky's in hospital having her baby " He screamed , god hes worse than me 

" Well then why are we here lets go come on" i shouted putting on a very weird accent ,Niall kissed me out of the blue 

"What was that for "i asked puzzled 

"Cause your cute when your in a hurry and when you put on weird accents" he chuckled 

"Thanks ,but we really need to go" i laughed and pushed him into the driver seat of the car 




Skyler's POV :

We made it just in time ,when the nurse called us in to the hospital room i was so happy for Becky

"Oh my god shes gorgeous"i whispered holding her in my arms

"Ya she is, hard to think we will have one of our own in six months" Niall was right and i couldn't of been much happier 

When i gave the baby to Niall i went to the hallway to make a phone call to my mam to tell her the two pieces of news

Lorna's POV :

The baby was so cute but don't judge me i don't like children maybe they could grow on me but for now not so much so when Becky asked did i want to hold her i declined 

Becky knew that and she respected it.

When Skyler came back in from the hallway she whispered something to Niall and i have to admit i was really curious

Skyler's POV ?

"i think now is a good time to tell them" i whispered to Niall and he nodded

"GUYS WE HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU" Niall whispered shouted

"What " Lorna asked confused

"Im pregnant " i said 

At first everyone was shocked but then they all congratulated me and Niall 

"Wait whats the babys name?" i asked Becky 

"Emerson" she said proud 

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