Either Way She Breaks A Heart

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Authors note : i have kinda changed my style of writing but i like it i hope you do too :P x


Skylers POV :

I was happy i didnt have to keep it a secret from Niall,Harry said i could tell Niall everything.When me and Harry reached the kitchen Niall relaxed a little i wondered why but i didnt care.

"Niall can i talk to you in private" i said dragging up the stairs and into his bedroom again.

"Sure what is it love"

"Niall,Harry didnt really cheat on Becky well he did but he didnt he was drugged" Nialls eyes opened wide 

"he was what"

"some girl at the club who kept following him put drugs in his drink and brought him back to her and you know where is goes from there" he started chuckling

"its not funny Niall what are we going to,Harry said he doesnt care if Becky doesnt go back to him he just wants her to know he didnt choose to cheat on her but i know he really wants her back but Becky is really close to Zayn now and i dont know what to do?"i screamed,calm down Niall said putting his hands on my shoulders and kissing me and it made me calm down when he pulled away i felt confused again.

"thats a really nice way of telling me im going insane" 

"your not going insane your just stressing and there is no need"

"but if Becky gets back with Harry she breaks Zayns heart and if she stays with Zayn shes breaking Harrys heart its a lose lose situation".

"just calm down Skyler everything will turn out fine in the end

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