Lights,Plan B and ACTION!

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Authors Note : 

Sorry for the lame title,i was bored and wanted to write so i came up with a lame title deal with it :P :D

This is probably going to be short but a well its a chapter enjoy 



Skyler's POV :

We walked down the stairs , well for me i tripped down the stairs with Niall laughing at me as he was trying to support me by having his hand securely around my waist.

When we finally reached the bottom i sighed and Niall chuckled at me i playfully slapped him and we raced into the sitting room.

"Skyler i won!"

"NO..NO i won Niall" we shouted at each other like five year olds.

All the boys and Becky and Lorna were cracking up at our playfull fight.

When everyone was finished me and Nial plopped down on the couch in between Louis and Harry.

"I wanna sit beside my BooBear" Harry pouted so i switched places with him which put a huge grin on his face i laughed and sat back down.

Becky looked worried she looked up at me and i nodded telling her that everything was ready and it would be fine,she gave me a weak smile and stood up.

(P.S Lorna told the other guys about the plan so we are all in on it ;) )

"Im getting tired , are you my Hazza Bear " Louis said sounding very awkward which made me burst out laughing but when everyone gave me a shut-your-mouth-look held it all in.

Niall just laughed at my expression and hugged me.

After about a half an hour Harry,Louis,Lorna,Damon and Liam all went upstairs to 'go to bed'.

So just me,Niall,Becky and Zayn.Becky looked like she would burst any second i hope she knew that passing out wouldn't get her out of this.

So first she had to seduce him,so she had to kiss him and all that stuff that i don't want to go into detail, so instead i made out with Niall sounded like a good plan.

So me and Niall headed out to the kitchen and i sat myself up onto the counter top in the corner of the kitchen,Niall then came up and put his hands aroun my waist and lifted me up so i had my legs wrapped around his waist.

I leaned in a pressed my forehead against his and stared into his big blue eyes smiling like an idiot.

"You know you amazing right" i stated he chuckled

"Im...Im amazing have you seen yourself Skyler your not just amazing you beautiful,kind,caring,funny and the best part about all of all that is i get to call you 'mine'" i blushed madly at what he had just said.(i know cheesy but what evs)

"You Niall... I don't even know that's how amazing you are" WOW nice one Skyler real nice he laughed and kissed me slowly yet passionatly.

"I guess we should be getting back now" he said and put me down and we walked back into the sitting room to see Becky and Zayn making out.

Im guessing step 1 worked.

Next step 2,get him drunk .Simple.

Niall knew what step 2 was and was all for it he loves to see Zayn drunk, he said last time it happened he was dancing shirtless on the kitchen table i almost started crying i was laughing so much.

Niall ran out to the kitchen and came back with something that i dont remember the name of ,that can get you drunk within two glasses of it.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After Two Drinks


Zayn was completely pissed it was hilarious though.

Step three was done and now we just had to sleep and see what happens tomorrow hopefully its good news.

When we finally got Zayn up to the top of the staircase we carried him into his bedroom and left Becky to get him to lie down and sleep.

Me and Niall went into Niall's room and i got into Niall's basketball shorts and jumper again and when i was ready i came out of the bathroom and Niall was lying in bed watching TV.

I switched off all the lights,climed under the covers Niall wrappe his arm around my waist and i put my head on his chest and fell asleep to his heartbeat.


Authors Note :

I know sorry this chapter is really bad sorry i just wanted to write and this came out sorry but i hope its okay :/ well i have to go bye xx :)

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