A Romance Ends

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Authors note : the title of this chapter is sad but awell hope you enjoy :P x


Nialls POV : 

When Skyler finally calmed down we went back downstairs to join the others watching a movie.

Beckys POV :

During the movie i felt Zayn tug my arm and i followed him into the kitchen.

"Whats wrong Zayn"

"Perrie text she says she is sorry for what she done and she wants me to take her back"

"are you" i asked confused

"i was thinking everybody deserves and second chance and i think Perrie and Harry  both deserve a second chance for acting stupid anyway dont you think Becky"

"I guess so Harry does seem extemely upset about it so i suppose i could give it a try"

"oh thank you Becky for understanding you will always be my best friend you hear me"

"i hear you Zayn" i hugged him and as soon as our hug broke he ran out the door and to Perrie i guess he is right everybody deserves a second chance even Harry.

Then i heard someone walking into the kitchen i turned to see Skyler standing there.

"so what did Zayn want Becky"

"he got a text from Perrie saying she was really sorry and wanted to get back together"

"oh im so sorry Becky"

"oh no its fine Zayn thought be that everyone makes mistakes and deserves second chances even Harry Styles so i decided to give him a second chance Skyler".

"em Becky Harry didnt actually cheat on you well he did but he didnt choose to he was drugged"

Skylers POV :

So i told Becky what happened to Harry and she believed it like i was hopeing she come through.

Harrys POV :

I was still really bummed about loosing Becky i just hope she has faith in me.Just then i heard Becky call my name i ran out to the kitchen and straight away Becky kissed me and thats when i knew she had forgiven me.

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