How could you Damon & Why Harry

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Authors note : sorry for the last chapter being so short this one will be a tiny bit longer but i cant make any promises


Narrator: Everyone decided to go clubbing and this is what happned don don


Lornas POV :

I was wondering around the nightclub for Damon and when i couldnt find him i decided to go ask someone "NIALL WHERE IS DAMON"I hopeing he could hear me "HE WENT BEHIND THE BAR" He replied i nodded at him and left him and Skyler to countinue dancing,and ith that i headed towards the bar and ducked underneath it and went in through the door to find Damon sleeping with Perrie i couldnt believe my eyes i tried to ask him why but all that came out was sobs and eventually i couldnt see because my eyes had overflood with tears so i ran out through the door and straight the bathroom.

Nialls POV :

I was a bit worried about Lorna and Damon but i decided to ignore it until i saw Lorna running out from behind the bar crying her eyes out i had to tell Skyler and Becky."SKYLER I JUST SAW LORNA RUN INTO THE BATHROOM CRYING GO GET BECKY AND SEE IF SHES ALL RIGHT"she just nodded and kissed me on the cheek and walked away to get Becky

Skylers POV :

After i had found Becky we ran into the bathroom to find Lorna crying."whats wrong"Becky asked with a concerned look on her face,"I...I...I just found Damon sleeping with Perrie behind the bar"she rushed out before she leaned her back against the wall and slid to the ground."Dont worry Lorna everything will be all right and i say its time we went home"i said and she nodded her head in agreement and i went to fetch Niall.

Beckys POV :

How could Damon do that to her and with Perrie jeez some friend he is maybe it will all be forgotten in the morning or maybe not.

Nialls POV :

When Skyler found me she pulled me to the side "me and Becky are bringing Lorna home ok"she said "here ill driver"i insisted she grabbed my hand and we followed Becky and Lorna to the car Lorna was still in sobs when we got home Lorna went straight to bed and me Skyler and Becky sat in the sitting room watching tv.Within an hour everyone was back home except for Harry.

Beckys POV :

"So guys wheres Harry ?"i asked they all avodied making eye contact with me "em Harry went home with some girl"Zayn said and quickly running over and catching me in his arms to make me feel better.I guess i was right i was just a one night stand after all.

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