The Date question

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Authors Note : i thought since Niall and Skyler havent been on a date yet now was the time so hope you enjoy :P x


Skylers POV :

I woke up in Nialls arms i turned around to see two big blue eyes staring at me "how long have you been up?"i asked concerned "not long you just look so cut ewhen your asleep and i wanted to tell you as soon as you were up"he said cheerfully."Tell me what "i asked a tiny bit confused "Skyler will you go on a date with me"he asked smiling "of ..of COURSE Niall i would love to "i cheered he picked me up by my waist and i wrapped my legs around his waist and i kissed him when the kiss broke he brought me down stairs still with me in his arms and he went in and sat on the couch when he got comfortable i turned around and stared at him and smiled i kissed him on the cheek and hugged him "so what time shall i be ready " i said giggling "eight love "he said kissing me once more before i got up and walked into the kitchen.

Nialls POV :

I was still so happy that Skyler said yes to going on a date i knew she would have eventually but i didnt think first try when i was with her everything felt so right.

Louis's POV :

I heard someone come in the kitchen door i turned around to see Skyler looking happier than usual."wheres Liam and Zayn?"She asked "Liam and Zayn brought Perri and Danielle shopping im joining them later"i said "oh cool well buy something nice fro Eleanor she derserves it "Skyler said while laughing after i had given everyone breakfast i saw Harry and Becky in the corner making out "again really thats the second time today"i said with a whiny tone to my voice.

Harrys POV :

"Yes Louis again i loovee her...... oops"shit i wasnt ment to say that what if she didnt like me back."Harry what did you just say"she asked looking confused "iiii.. love you "i said as quick as i could.Ya i love her and im not afraid i thought.

Beckys POV :

Harry just said he loved me did i feel the same way back of course i did he was sweet sensitive and   like he was gorgues "Harry do you really "i asked tilting my head to the right."come to my room we can talk there"Harry said as he grabbed my hand and he tensed a little.I followed him upstairs and into his room."Harry do you "i asked again."Is it wrong if i do "he said shyly."NO no not at all"i said comforting him."Becky do you love me back" he asked looking extremely sad."YES YES YES YES YES "i said with a super excited voice.Harry looked at me wide eyed then he ran over to me and huggged me so tight and when he pulled back i looked at him then he kissed me when he broke the kiss i looked at him and he had a huge smile on his face and so did I.


Authors Note : awww hope youlike it :P x

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