Part 1: Trip

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"Johnny, have you seen my bag?"

Ghost wandered through P.I.E. headquarters, trying to find where he had set his bag.

"It's hanging up by the front door, sir!" he heard his British friend, Johnny Toast, call out from another room.

He walked to the door, and sure enough, there it was.

"Thanks!" Ghost yelled, taking it down and slinging it over his shoulder.

He turned around and nearly ran into Toast.

"This is going to be great, sir!" He said with an excited sparkle in his eye. "A trip to Sweden!"

Ghost chuckled. "Well, we're only going to see what's been going on over there."

"Yes, there have been some odd reports of entire cities being empty," Toast said with a nod.

Ghost peeked into the main office and looked at their two suitcases. "Is that everything?"

Toast looked in as well and thought for a moment. "I think so, sir... The equipment is already packed up and ready in the car, and that didn't take up more than one suitcase."

Ghost shrugged, stepped in the room, and raised the handle of his bag. "So we're ready?"

Toast grinned and put a hand on his own suitcase. "Yes, sir!"

They locked the doors, and headed out to the car to go on their new adventure.

So this is very short, but if it sounds interesting, let me know if I should continue.

Cry of Fear and VenturianTale P.I.E. Crossover *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now