Author's Note

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This story is based off of the song Panic Room by Au/Ra.

Some trigger warnings:
-Talk about death
-Near death experiences
-fears *obviously* 

Fears include:

Acrophobia- the fear of heights

Aquaphobia- the fear of water

Autophobia- the fear of being alone

Zoophobia- the fear of animals

Ekrixiphobia- the fear of explosions

Pyrophobia- the fear of fire

Coasterphobia- the fear of roller coasters

Claustrophobia- the fear of small spaces

I'm not exactly sure if the members actually have these fears so dont read this and think these are their fears.

Yoongi and Jimin I have reasons why I chose there fears, which ill explain at the end.

For Jungkook's I just exaggerated the fear I knew he had in real life.

Taehyung in pretty sure his fear in the book is a real fear he has.

Hoseok and Jin have similar fears, but I thought to a few run episodes and was like oK-

Namjoon's fear came to me from no where, honestly. I dont know why I gave him the fear he has.

And yea thats that. Enjoy

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