one to remember- steve rogers

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I'm totally drunk, so when I wake up I won't remember a thing. So you can just go ahead and say everything you want to tell me."

He hesitated for a few seconds before speaking. "I don't want to wait for some other girl to come along because if the person isn't you, then they aren't worth waiting for."

"You sure you're not drunk?" you chuckled lightly, but his words warmed up your cheeks nonetheless. "Sure sounds like you are."

"Maybe a little?" he guessed.

"I think you're really tipsy," you cracked a small grin, but the happy look on your face quickly fell. "I try not to get my hopes up by dreaming about those kinds of scenarios. All three of the relationships I've ever been in all failed. And I can't help but wonder if it was my fault, if they left because maybe I wasn't good enough and didn't meet their standards. So I stopped thinking about what it would be like to be someone's first choice, for once. To be someone that wasn't used as a rebound or a way to move on from an ex-girlfriend you still had feelings for, someone who wasn't used as a way to brag or manipulate into getting you what they wanted."

A blazing look quickly appeared on his face and his piercing blue eyes darkened with anger. "Nobody deserves to be treated like that, much less you."

"You know, loving someone means you risk your heart being broken in the process. And I'm not sure if I'm really willing to take that chance. But I guess I'm too late now, huh? I don't want to live in this constant fear of wondering whether you're going to break my heart like the guy before me."

"I wouldn't break your heart," he murmured so quietly that you almost didn't catch what he'd said. "I could treat you better than any of them could."

You had trouble sleeping that night. Despite the alcohol in your system that was making your body feel all heavy and dazed, you couldn't seem to lie still, tossing and turning for half an hour before finally relaxing. Did he mean what he said? Or was he just drunk?

Were you overthinking it?


There was still a part of you that wished he didn't take back his words the next morning.

Contrary to what you predicted, he didn't mention anything about last night when you woke up and went to the kitchen to grab a muffin and ran into him along the way. He'd simply greeted you with a curt nod and 'Hey' before casually suggesting that you two go to downtown NYC. You didn't question it, however, because you just wanted to get out and get a breath of fresh air.

You also didn't question the lingering touches, either. The way he placed a hand on the small of your back subconsciously as you walked side by side, how you didn't even realize until later on that you'd somehow ended up holding hands, were things you didn't say anything about because frankly you enjoyed the feelings that they gave you.


"So I've had Brucie the genius analyze Dorito's behavioral patterns towards our lovely Y/N to confirm whether our ship is sailing or not," Tony explained as he turned on the TV screen to reveal the CCTV footage and everyone crowded around, "I've planted cameras around New York City so we can see how they're acting towards each other on their downtown outing today. Claimed it was just to 'relax' and hang out as 'friends', but since we're all feeling doubtful, here's the evidence. They should be back soon, if I'm correct."

" appears that in this one, when Lord Steve is with Lady Y/N, the center of his torso faces her 90 perfect of the time," Thor pointed out how Steve was mostly facing towards you as you were walking side by side down the street. "He also mirrors her gestures without realizing it many times."

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