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Chanyeol sobbed as he walked into the bedroom. His body was shaky and his eyes were red. The whole walk up he had been crying his eyes out.

"Chanyeol?" Baekhyun tiredly looked over

Chanyeol couldn't say anything, starting to cry harder. Baekhyun was quick to get out of bed and run to Chanyeol.

"What happened?" He asked softly

"I-It killed her....It took my grandma" Chanyeol sobbed

Chanyeol was closer to that woman than anyone. He cared for her and she treated him like he was her grandson.

"Oh Chanyeol...."

The two stood there, Chanyeol sobbing into Baekhyun's neck.

Later That Night

Yixing held a handful of white roses as he followed two guards to the graveyard. Not too far behind him walked the rest of the family, Yuri, too. Yixing stopped by the headstone beginning to speak.

"Mrs.Cho was a wonderful woman. She helped me deliver a few of my boys and she was there for all of them when we couldn't be. She was there for Chanyeol in his every moment of need. They had a special connection and I hope she's watching over him wherever she is."

Junmyeon stepped forward grabbing a rose and placing it in front of the headstone. The boys followed in suit, Baekhyun and Chanyeol being the last to do so. Baekhyun quietly walked forward placing a rose down and speaking.

"I never got the chance to mee you but I know you meant much to Chanyeol. I know you cared for him and for that I thank you. Please be at rest and be happy."

Baekhyun began to tear up as he walked away and Chanyeol shakily walked forward. He knelt to the ground his hand touching the cold stone.

"I wish you could've lived longer...I wanted you at my wedding. I wanted you at Taehyung's birthday parties, I wanted you to show him what your love felt like." Chanyeol whispered

Poor bby

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