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Baekhyun sighed heavily as he exited the ballroom. They had just finished searching through the Castle staff and they still hadn't found the Jishigi. It was about 2 in the morning as the group walked back outside.

"Why don't we all take shifts? Five of us continue and five of us rest. In two hours we switch." Yifan suggested

"Yes please!!" Baekhyun groaned loudly

"Chanyeol, you stay with me and your mother and Yuri go rest. Leesung can stay with us Sehun you too" Junmyeon commanded

Chanyeol walked over to Baekhyun tiredly wrapping his arms around the male.

"Stay safe okay?" He whispered

Chanyeol moved away pressing a long kiss onto Baekhyun's lips.

"I will, go get some sleep and check on Taehyung"

Baekhyun nodded as he began to walk away with Yuri and the others.

"It's nice to see that he's got someone to care for" Yuri spoke up looking to Baekhyun


"I've known him since he was just a little baby, in all his years growing up he never really seemed like the lovey-dovey relationship type. He kept to himself." Yuri explained

"Really? He opened up to me quite quick" Baekhyun spoke tiredly

"That just shows how fast he fell" She smiled widely

His cheeks were tinted a rosy pink as he laughed softly.


Chanyeol walked up to the small house knocking softly on the door. He felt bad that he was going to wake the woman inside up but it was very important. The little old lady opened the door smiling widely at Chanyeol.

"Sorry for waking you up Grandma but I have to check something"

"Check what dear?"

"Could you give me your hand?"

"Now why would I have to do that?" She spoke hesitantly

"We're doing it to everyone we're looking to make sure you aren't a Jishigi"

"Jishigi!?" She exclaimed

"Grandma give me your hand"

She yanked her hand back as he reached forward.


Chanyeol looked at the woman confused and concerned. He had known this woman since he was a baby and she had never been this skeptical.

"Is this really necessary?"


"Chanyeol what's going on over here?" Yixing questioned walking over

"Grandma won't let me check" Chanyeol spoke softly

Yixing was quick to yank her hand as Chanyeol grabbed his flashlight. The old woman fought with all her strength to get out of his hold but failed as Chanyeol let out a sad gasp as he stared at the black under her skin. The grandma he knew was dead.

"Chanyeol go" Yixing demanded

"M-Mom" Chanyeol spoke starting to cry

"Chanyeol I said go!" He yelled


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