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"I don't think I wanna get better.."

"What?" Todoroki exclaimed. "Why? Midoriya I'm not sure I understand."
"I guess... I've just gotten so use to the feeling of sadness and loneliness that it's all I know. It's all that I know to be real. All I can trust. Happiness hasn't always been apart of me, so feeling it is like living in a foreign country." Midoriya said softly. Todoroki was silent for a minute. Then he looked around the courtyard. He grabs Midoriya by the hand and holds it while the other is on Midoriyas chin, making him make him look into his eyes.
"Midoriya I promise you that I'll make happiness become as fluent to you as Japanese is to us. I'll make it a song you sing everyday I swear." Midoriya eyes widen. No one has ever said anything so...so kind to him In a long time. It was...strange but oddly soothing.
"Thank you Todoroki. Thank you for saving me. Letting me live another day." Deku says, stuffing his face into his chest.
"Of course."
~ time skip~

"Midoriya come to my office. We need to talk." Aizawa says when the final bell rings.
"R-right." Says Deku, looking pale. Uraraka notices and walks up to him.
"Hey Deku? What does Aizawa-sensei need? I didn't know had an office till now." She says with a confused look.
"Um- well I don't know. I guess I'll find out huh." Deku says with a small smile.
Deku sits down in the same chair as that morning. He looks around for a better look of the office. His eyes land on a picture of Aizawa with Mic, and what looks like-
Aizawa purses the frame down before Deku can look closer.
"Sorry-" Deku says with a small voice and looks down to the ground. He has been subconsciously picking his nails all day and now, they were lil nubs. He quickly puts his arms behind his back, hoping Aizawa forgot about his arms, but that just drew attention.
"Give me an arm. I need to see how the medicine I put on it is working." Aizawa says looking Deku in the eye. Slowly, he gives Aizawa an arm and let's it hang there. Aizawa gently unwrapped the wrapping and examined it. He hasn't closely examined it earlier but looking at it closer, it seemed much worse. This arm had deep deep wounds, scratches and a few burns even.
"Midoriya, how long have you felt like this? How long have you been cutting?"
Surprised that he was so straightforward with it, Deku looked up.
"I guess about...about 2 years. Maybe a bit more."
"And you never told anyone?" Aizawa asked.
"No, but Todoroki found out and has saved my life twice..." Deku said without realizing.
He put his freehand over his mouth wide eyed at what he said.
"So-Sorry! Forget I said that." Deku mumbled.
"What do you mean save your life? Twice? How?" Aizawa asked.
Midoriya just shook his head.
"Kid, I need you to tell me, please I'm worried about you."
Midoriya still shook his head harder, tears forming. Aizawa sighed.
"Alright. If you see Todoroki tell him to come see me. And wait for him before you go home. He knows where to find me."
Nodding, Midoriya left the office, pulling his sleeve down as he did.
Walking the hall to the doors he looks for Todoroki. Upon seeing him he walks to him.
"Hey Aizawa wants to talk to you." He nods and heads off. Midoriya ignores Aizawas orders and starts walking home. He's thinking about his day. How wrong it had gone. How was he so careless. All week. He got found by multiple people.
"Im so so stupid. I got found by so many people. What is wrong with me?! I'm so useless..." He walks into his apartment and takes off his shoes. Looking at a picture frame he sees his mom. Smiling a small smile he looks at her. She's so beautiful. He makes his way to the kitchen. Opens the pantry and gets out some rice and the rice cooker. Plugs it I and puts the rice in. Adding the water, he gets out a pot and makes soba. Todorokis favorite. He finishes the meal and sets the table.
Looking at the time he realizes it's kinda late. He takes out his phone to call Todoroki. It rings... No answer.
"That's strange... I wonder what he's doing." Deku wonders. He waits a bit longer till he feels his phone ring again.
"Hello?" He says.
"Midoriya??" He hears Todoroki ask.
"Yes? This is him- I mean me-" he says quickly. "Are you ok??"
"I'm fine, where are you? You weren't anywhere at school. I've been looking everywhere. You were supposed to wait."
"I know I'm sorry. But I wanted to come home and make dinner for when you got back." He says softly.
"Thank you. Oh, Aizawa needs to talk to you, here."
"Oh hi Aizawa- um-"
"Why didn't you listen. We told you to wait. For a reason. We don't know what you could have or might have done. And not only that, you are in a a UA uniform. Do you know how easily the league can find you? That was reckless." Aizawa sighs.
"Look come see me again tomorrow. We can continue tomorrow."
"O-ok... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- I never meant to- I just-" he was crying at this point.
"Dammit- not now!"
"It's fine Midoriya. Just don't forget."
~time skip~

"Thanks for dinner it was amazing." Todoroki says as they get ready for bed.
"No prob! It was fun. Something to do." Midoriya said. He pulled his shirt over his head and climbed into bed next to Todoroki. Snuggling into him, he entangles his legs with his. Todoroki lifts his chin and looks into his eyes.
"May I kiss you?"
Shocked Deku hides his face. "Um sure! I mean you don't have to ask and it's fine I just don't know how and it's kinda shocking really-"
Deku is shut off with Todorokis lips on his. He shuts his eyes and kisses back. It's nice.
They break apart smiling. For the first time In a while, Deku felt happy. And it felt like a fluent language.


"Is that him?" A voice asked.
"Yes. That's him. Our next target. Acquired."


Hi! I'm so so sorry for not updating. I just never had time. I had a large writers block as well. Thank you for reading this book. It makes me so happy to know that you enjoy this. Love to y'all!

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