Try again

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Hi! Wow where did y'all come from and why are y'all here? This book is soooo bad! Ily all so much! Thanks for reading! Also idling I used that song already that's at the top but let me know if I did and I can change it. Also give me some other song suggestions ok? Thanks!

Deku pov

I rush out of the hospital because I know he's there. I know he's following me and I know that I have to hide. For his safety. I race down an alleyway and sit down behind a dumpster. I feel my bandages rub on my arms and cuts. The doctors fixed a lot of them up. And I am grateful but... I might have to undo the work later. As I sit there I hear someone. I peek from behind and see Todoroki looking for me, amongst the garbage, where belong. Ironic huh?
"Midoriya! Where did you go?!" He calls frantically. I whip my head back so he can't see me and huddle into a ball. I'm scared for some reason. His foot steps get closer and I start to shake. I can't stop. And suddenly I can't take it. I bolt. I run down the ally and around the corner. Todoroki, of course, chases me. I run down the tiny alley and onto a street. I know where I am. I'm near the train station. That's convenient. I rush to the station and sneak through. Not the best thing to do but I was desperate. I look behind me and Todoroki is still following. I'm filled with fear and I still don't know why. I bolt to where the trains are boarded and hide I the corner. I pull on the hood of my hoodie and plug in my earbuds.
(Song at top)

The music calms me down a bit but as the train arrives I climb on and of course, Todoroki does to. WHY does he get on?! Can't he just go home and leave me be? I'm fine! I can feel myself shaking again but I have to wait. Wait till I get home. Wait till I'm alone.

(Time skip)

As I walk off the train I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump, scared to see who was behind me.
Just, Todoroki.
I sigh and say "why do you keep following me?"
He looks tame dead in the eye and says "because I need to make sure you're ok."
I look at the ground and push his hand away. "I'm fine. Just,go home ok?"
I start to walk away but I know he's following. I sigh and turn around.
"Go home Todoroki. Please,I'll be ok. I'm perfectly fine!" I give him a (fake) smile.
He just stands there. So I turn around and walk home.

(Time skippy)

By the time I'm home I can feel the urge become stronger. My blades are in the closet. In the box. Left hand corner. I walk into my room and I open the closet. Empty.
Where is it!? I need them now! My breathing gets short and I hyperventilate. My vision is tunneling.
Crap crap crap! Agh! I race to the bathroom and look into the cabinet. Medicine, bandages, razor Blade! I fumble with it for a moment but then I get it out. I calmly undo my bandages and throw them to the ground. I press the blade to my skin. The blade can't go deep but I still feel it. I slide it across my wrist slowly.
I switch wrist.
I put the blade down and look at my art. I put medicine on it and rewrap it. I finish binding when I heard a knock on the door. I open the bathroom door and its...Todoroki.
"HOW DID YOU GET IN!?" I screech. He points to the door and says "the key." I shake my head and sigh. I turn around and see blood on the sink and floor. I freeze as I feel Todoroki move me aside. Slowly he looks at me.
"Midoriya. We need to talk. Right now." I shake my head no.
"No. I don't want to talk. You may want to help me but I don't need it. I'm fine and handling myself perfectly on my own."
He tilts his head a bit. "Your own? What do you mean by 'your own'" I look down at the tile. And suddenly I get the feeling to run. So I push past todoroki and get my shoes on.
"Where are you going?" I look at him and just walk out the door. Then I race down the stairs. My heart is pounding in my chest. I hear a door slam and know he will catch up to me. I have to hide. But there is no where to go! I run in a full circle. The whole time I'm shaking and crying. I fall to the ground and just give up. I hear Todoroki run to me and say my name. I look at him and say,
"Do you want to help me?" He nods and says "of course i do!" Them I look back at the ground and say

"Then kill me."

Hey it's been a while! I hope you guys are enjoying the book! If you have any suggestions to what should happen message me! I'd love some ideas!

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