Chapter 9

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Everyone stayed in the waiting room while Knock Out was being worked on. Arcee who was still recovering even came out to sit with them.

"I hope he'll be ok." Said Smokescreen. "He looked like he was in really bad shape when me and Starscream found him in the basement."

"Knock Out's a lot stronger then he looks or lets on." "He'll make it." Starscream told them. "I mean he survived the war and being on a warship with me and Megatron didn't he?"

Then Arcee who went for a cube of energon almost fell the the floor and both Starscream and Smokescreen ran over to help her back to a seat.

"You really shouldn't be up right now your still on bed rest." Starscream said to her.

"I'll go back to the berth only after I find out if Knock Out is ok." She replied.

"Ok but don't over do it." The seeker told her. "Knock Out would say the samething."

"Oh I think it's sweet how that seeker is helping his Conjunx." Said a random a random femme who passed by.

"Conjunx!" "Gross!" "No!" Both Arcee and Starscream said at once not liking the idea of being mistaken for spark mates. And Smokescreen chuckled thinking it was hilarious.

Just then Bulkhead and Wheeljack both got back and brought everyone energon. Because none of them wanted to leave all worried about Knock Out and knowing Ratchet or one of the other medic who was working on him could come out anytime.

Meanwhile in the operating room Ratchet and the others medics were working to save Knock Out.

They had fixed where his com-link had been ripped out. And right now First Aid and Red Alert were working on his legs while Ratchet was trying to repair his servos.

Ratchet was doing his best but didn't know if he would be able to save Knock Out's hands. Road Siren had pretty much destroyed them then left them infected and untreated.

Ratchet hated that femme for doing this to Knock Out. She was a monster who was beyond insane. And poor Knock Out's only mistake was going out with her.

Suddenly Knock Out's vitals started going all over the place. And Ratchet and the other medics started shambling to bring him out of it.

"He's going into shock!" Cried First Aid as he Ratchet and Red Alert rushed to try to get Knock Out stable.

"No he's crashing!" Red Alert yelled. "We're losing him!"

"Don't you dare do this to us Knock Out!" Ratchet shouted at the unconscious medic. "You have to keep fighting Knock Out!" "Don't even think about giving up!"

Just then First Aid took off and came back with the paddles as the spark monitor flatlined. And handed them to Ratchet who started using them on Knock Out trying desperately to bring him back online.

"Knock Out!" "Come on!" Ratchet was practically screaming. "Knock Out!"

In the waiting room the others could tell something was wrong from how long it was taking.

And were all preparing for the worst when Ratchet came out and they all looked over with their optics glued to the medic.

"How is he?" Smokescreen asked. And they were all afraid of the answer.

"We almost lost him for a minute and it didn't look good but he's a fighter and he's in recovery right now and with some rest he should be fine and I repaired his servos the best I could but we won't know if they will work until he wakes up." Ratchet explained.

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