Chapter 8

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Meanwhile Ratchet was worried about Knock Out. Right before he had been cut off from the red medic he had heard Road Siren yelling at him and the Austin Martin's cries of pain.

There was no telling what she had done to him and if it was serious or permanent Ratchet would never forgive himself.

Smokescreen and Bulkhead had just gotten there they had been asking around different homes trying to figure out where Road Siren lived so they could find where she was keeping Knock Out.

Neither of them had any luck the house Smokescreen went to wouldn't talk to him thinking he was a salesman. And Bulkhead had called Wheeljack to help him and the house they went to had called the police thinking they were gangsters.

When Prowl and Dropforge showed up and saw them and both sides explained the situation they all had a good laugh. Then Prowl and Dropforge agreed to help look for Knock Out and were still looking with Wheeljack while Bulkhead had run into Smokescreen and they had come back to let Ratchet know and the three of were talking.

When Starscream rushed in with Arcee in his servos.

"Ratchet!" The seeker shouted in a panic. "She need medical attention now!" Then seeing what the situation was Ratchet rushed to the ER with Starscream who laid Arcee on the berth. Then First Aid and Red Alert both got to work while Ratchet asked Starscream what happened.

"I found her laying in the sea of rust after I spotted her while flying." Starscream explained almost in tears he was worried because she had a deep wound in her midsection and had lost a lot of energon Starscream had some of it on his servos from carrying her there and he noticed one of her armblades was missing.

"Don't worry Starscream she'll make it." Ratchet told the seeker who he noticed looked worried and saddened. "It looks like you got her here just in time."

Starscream relaxed a bit then Ratchet went back to help with Arcee. And the seeker didn't leave the waiting room.

Meanwhile Knock Out had been trying to recharge since there was nothing else he could do. He felt horrible, his servos were still in a great deal of pain and felt infected and the fact that the IV was in one of them didn't help.

And the spot where his com-link had been was really sore as well. And he felt out of it from whatever that IV was giving him.

But to spite the pain and discomfort he was in all he could think about was Arcee. Road Siren had killed her when she came there looking for him and Knock Out blamed himself.

If he hadn't gotten himself into this situation she wouldn't have come there looking for him and would still be alive.

And he knew Road Siren could have just sent her away since she had disguised her voice but she had killed her mainly to get at him. And even sat Arcee's armblade on a table in his sight range to rub in the fact that she was gone and it was his fault.

Just then Road Siren came down the stairs and injected more energon into him since he still refused to drink it.

Knock Out didn't say anything just glared at her. He hated this femme for what she was doing to him and his friends. 

Then Road Siren started torturing Knock Out with the same frequency she had played over his com-link until he had energon coming from his mouth and audio receptors.

Then she petted him with her servo as if stroking a child before stopping the frequency poor Knock Out was venting hard with his optics half shut.

"I'll let you rest now." She told him as she gave him a circuit booster. And Knock Out blacked out.

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