Chapter 7

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All the Autobots had gone out to look for Knock Out but didn't have a clue where he and Road Siren were and were just hoping to find the red medic in one piece after learning Road Siren's true nature.

Starscream was flying in his jet mode having now fully healed and was hoping to spot something from the sky but was having no luck.

Everyone was worried about the red sports car having not seen or heard from him since the day before.

Ratchet got an idea he would try to boost the single to see if he could reach Knock Out's com-link this had never been tried before but Ratchet felt like it was the perfect time to do it. If he could get through to Knock Out even though he wouldn't be able to locate him he could ask him where he was so they could find him.

Meanwhile Knock Out laid on the berth in Road Siren's basement just looking up at the ceiling he didn't even need to be strapped down he felt so weak and out of it.

He kept coming in and out of consciousness and it was a fight to focus whatever was in that IV was making him miserable. And his servos still hurt like the pit.

Then Road Siren came down with a cube of energon. Knock Out was so angry he could only glare at her. Mainly because whatever he was being drugged with made it to hard to think of anything to say.

"You need to refuel." Road Siren said offering him the cube.

Knock Out didn't want it and closed his mouth and turn his helm away which were the only parts of his body he could move beside his optics. Refusing to drink it.

He didn't want anything she was trying to give him for all he knew she had spiked that energon with something to poison him.

"Don't be like that I'm not trying to poison you I'm not finished with you yet." She told him.

He just looked at her with a weak but angry expression.

"So it's the silent treatment how cute." She mocked. Then got a syringe.

"If you won't drink your energon I'll have to get it in you another way." She said as she injected the energon into his tank.

Then she pulled back one of his digits making him cry out in pain. "There that got a sound out of you!" She growled. Then started carousing his faceplates.

Knock Out squeezed his optics shut not wanting to look at her. After a few moments she left to go back upstairs much to his relief.

Knock Out decided to try to recharge feeling horrible but suddenly he heard a familiar beep. His com-link but how was it getting a single down here?

Knock Out wanted to answer it and tell whoever was at the other end how much danger he was in and to come get him. He noticed Road Siren was still upstairs now might be his only chance to ask for help.

Desperate to get out of his situation Knock Out slammed his helm against the berth try to press his com-link to answer it.

And he was happy when it worked and he heard Ratchet's voice on the other end.

"Knock Out?" The older medic asked over the com-link.

"Ratchet.." Knock Out said his voice sounded horse, weak and a little slurred he almost didn't recognize it.

"Knock Out you sound terrible." Ratchet told him in a concerned voice. "Where are you?"

"Ratchet I'm.." Knock Out started to tell him where he was only to be cut off when Road Siren came to the basement having heard Knock Out bang his helm on the berth then him speaking to someone.

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