Chapter 2

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Knock Out woke up in the hospital and started to get up only to be gently pushed back down.

"Ep ep ep!" Ratchet told him. "You were stabbed in the midsection and were in a serious state of shock when Bulkhead brought you in." "You need to rest."

"Thanks Bulkhead." Knock Out said to the wrecker who was there with the other Autobots and Road Siren who had all been worried about him.

"Your welcome." Bulkhead told him. "I would have done the same for any of my friends."

"Sorry I have to miss our date Road Siren." Knock Out told the femme.

"It's ok I'm just glad your alright." She said to him then hugged him before she had to get back to her job as a nurse.

Then Knock Out told them about the strange frequency he got over his com-link. And had Ratchet check his com-link.

"Was it some kind of malfunction?" Knock Out asked.

"No your com-link appears normal it must have come from the other end." Ratchet explained.

"Why send me that?" Knock Out wondered.

"First the bomb in the generator then the frequency and the stabbing." Bulkhead said. "Someone seems to want you dead."

"But why?" Asked Knock Out. And everyone put up their servos having no idea.

Then all of a sudden they heard Road Siren scream and alarms started going off. And they were coming from Starscream's room.

Road Siren was on the floor in the hallway with energon dripping from a cut on her shoulder. And First Aid who had been about to enter Knock Out's room ran with them to Starscream's room to see what was going on.

Knock Out helped Road Siren off the floor.

"A mech in a cloak ran out of Starscream's room and attacked me he took off down the hall!" Road Siren told Knock Out who ran off wanting to catch the mech knowing it was probably the one who stabbed him and wanted to put an end to all the madness.

He ran down the hallway but couldn't find the mech since he had gotten a good head start and had managed to escape again.

Knock Out went back to help the others and went to Starscream's room and saw Ratchet was working on the seeker who's vitals were all over the place. And Knock Out jumped into action helping as well.

First Aid was taking care of Road Siren. And fortunately her damage wasn't serious and Knock Out and Ratchet managed to get Starscream stable.

"Someone injected cyber-venom into his system." Ratchet explained after he and Knock Out finished treating him and ran a diagnostic scan.

"Will he be ok?" Asked Smokescreen.

"It's too soon to tell." Knock Out said sadly. "We have to wait till he regains some strength before we can bring him out of his coma."

"Coma?" Asked Arcee.

"Medically induced and completely reversible." Ratchet explained. "But the next few days are going to be critical."

"We'll take turns guarding his room to make sure nothing like this happens again." Smokescreen suggested. And they all agreed this was a good Idea.

Arcee walked out to the hallway with a lot on her mind.


"Arcee I'm an Autobot now so we need to start working together." Starscream told the two wheeler. "After all we're on the same team now."

"Well maybe I don't want you on my team." Arcee hissed.

"Is it about what I did to Cliffjumper?" "Because I'm sorry about that and everything else I did in the past." Starscream said to her.

"Look one you don't get to take about Cliffjumper and two I don't care what the others say or what insignia you wear you will never be an Autobot at least not in my optics!" Arcee spit at him.

"Now I'm going to the basement to check the camera and be as far away from you as possible." She added.

"Let me save you the trouble." Starscream said as he went down to check the camera before she could protest.

Then Knock Out, Smokescreen, Ratchet and Bulkhead started talking to her. Until they heard the shot and Starscream's scream.

(Flashback ends.)

"I'm so sorry Starscream." Arcee said to herself.

Then Knock Out and Smokescreen came out of the seeker's room and explained that Bulkhead was taking the first shift guarding him.

The they went outside for a walk because they all needed to clear their processors and Ratchet decided to join them.

They walked passed where the hospital was adding a new wing that was still under construction. And they could tell it was going to be beutiful when it was finished.

Knock Out went over to talk to First Aid and Red Alert who were both there look at how the construction was coming along.

Suddenly Arcee noticed a cloaked bot on one of the upper floors cutting a cord that was holding up a net with some beams and construction stuff in it that was right about Knock Out, First Aid and Red Alert.

"Get away from there now!" Arcee screamed to warn them. But too late because the equipment was falling right at the three of them.

Red Alert shoved First Aid aside and Knock Out suddenly was pushed out of the way.

And when he pulled himself off the ground saw that Ratchet had been the one who pushed him and had taken the hit in the red medic's place. And Red Alert had also failed to get out of the way and both Knock Out and First Aid got to work trying to save the other medics.

Arcee looked and saw that the bot in the cloak had escaped again. And she called some other medics from the hospital to help them.

Ratchet had taken the worst of the damage Red Alert was injured too but not as badly. And both were rushed to the ER.

Knock Out blamed himself since Ratchet had gotten hurt because he pushed him out of the way and First Aid and Red Alert had just had the misfortune of standing near him at the time.

Whoever the bot in that cloak was they wanted him dead and until they were caught or seceded no one would be safe near him.

And Knock Out didn't know what to do he felt like his friends were in danger and it was all his fault.

He just hoped that Ratchet, Red Alert and Starscream would all be ok.

To Be Continued.

Another cliffhanger for you guys. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon in the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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