- "It's okay. You don't have to explain anything. I want you to know I'm bisexual, but you're not my type of man."

Type started laughing. He laughed until tears ran down his cheeks again.

- "You're really comical."

But when he calmed down, he added:

- "Can this stay between us?"

Champ nodded and replied:

- "I didn't see anything but ... you don't have to answer if it's too intimate question but...is that handsome man your guy?"

Type was silent, staring at the floor. He didn't know what to answer to Champ. This is the first time he has a conversation like this with anyone. Champ was honest and immediately told him he was bisexual. Type  lifted his head slightly, looked into Champ's eyes and nodded, then added in a low voice.

- "Yes, Tharn is my boyfriend. Or at least he has been to this day."

Type suddenly felt better. This is the first person he has told about Tharn. This is the first person he talks to as ... so almost like with a friend.

Champ saw Type calm down a bit. He was glad Type answered his question honestly. He patted him on the shoulder and said:

- "Type, think positive. Your boyfriend is just jealous. When he calms down, he'll realize he's  exaggerated."

Type smiled.

- "Champ I really don't have the strength to go back to the celebration. I'm going to change and pick up my bag. Thank you for being with me."

Champ also laughed, turned and showed Type his skirt-tail.

- "Type, if I agreed to wear this then there is nothing I wouldn't do for you."

After that he blushed a little and added:

- "I'm going now too ... I hope you will be quick to reconcile with your ... you know ... whom."

Type came home. He sent Tharn a bunch of messages. Called him several times but Tharn did not answer. Type sat on the bed and looked at the phone, opened the messages and typed out:

  "Please Tharn answer me ... please .... shout at me, be angry just don't punish me by silence. Tharn I want to see you. I want to touch you. Please ..."

He sent a message and looked at the screen ...

It's been a few hours since Type came home. Still lying on the bed waiting for some sign from Tharn. He no longer had tears, his eyes were swollen and his head ached. He hadn't eaten all day but had no strength to move. Type closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Tharn drove for hours ... eventually when his fuel was red he stopped at the pump. His head ached terribly. Poured gasoline, bought coffee and started the car again. He didn't know where to go .... at every corner he saw smiling people, flowers, red hearts ... Yes ... Valentine's Day ... and he was supposed to celebrate it with Type .... What does Type do? Is he still on campus?
Tharn reached for the phone but couldn't find it. He stopped the car by the side of the road looking for a phone. He couldn't find it.

He started the car and headed for campus. Type must have sent him messages! Why did he turn out to be a fool, and didn't realize he had no phone !!! When he got to campus, it started to get dark. It was no longer crowded but there were still people. He parked and got out of the car. There were only students cleaning up.

- "Excuse me, do you know where the Student Council premises are?"

The students wondered who this handsome man was. They showed him the way, but no one else was there, everyone went home.

Tharn was angry with himself. He definitely does not think like a normal person today. He needed to go straight home. As he walked toward the car, suddenly a person blocked his path.

- "You're Tharn right? What are you doing here?"

Tharn looked at the unknown guy and wondered how the guy knew his name. He nodded and replied:

- "Yes, I'm Tharn? Do we know each other?"

Champ was looking at a handsome stranger. He was definitely an interesting and dangerous man.

- "I'm Champ, Type's friend. It  looks like Type got into trouble becouse of me."

Tharn darkened. He didn't immediately recognize the muscular guy from today. He said in a cold tone:

- "Get out of my way."

Chapm bent over but shouted:

- "Type is a nice guy. Don't be a dick!"

Tharn paused and turned .... muscular was a fun person ...

- "You're lucky to be Type friends because if you hadn't... the two of us would have talked differently."

He got into the car and headed for the apartment.

Champ watched for the cars leaving at full speed.
"Uh, this guy is dangerous. But I get the feeling he's crazy about Type."

Tharn stopped by the balloon shop first. He picked up all the balloons he found. Then he buy flowers and some wine. Tharn  knew all this was a cliché, but now he didn't have time to prepare something original. Though .... maybe he could ... Thaen called his assistant. It took him a while to finish but he knew he had to arrive before midnight at the Type apartment. The traffic in Bangkok was terrible. Sometimes it took two hours for 20km.

When it finally came outside the building it was almost midnight. He took out his keys and unlocked the door. It was dark in the apartment. He brought in balloons and flowers. Slowly moved closer to the bed. Type was asleep. He looked like some divine being as shadows played on his face. Tharn leaned over Type and kissed him gently.

- "Type, wake up, baby, come on ..."

Type opened his eyes and saw Tharn. At first he thought he was dreaming. Reached for Tharn's face with his hand. When he touched him,
Type realized that Tharn was real. He jumped out of bed and hugged him.

- "You came! Tharn .... you came ...."

Tharn hugged him tightly, saying:

- "Type, forgive me. Forgive me for acting like a stupid dick. Please forgive me."

Type hugged him even harder. But then Tharn walked away from him and said:

- "What time is it? Let's get out on the terrace quickly!"

It was 23.59. They went out to the terrace the moment the fireworks began. The scene was beautiful. Type looked wide-eyed. Tharn hugged him from behind and whispered:

- "Happy Valentine's Day my love."

When the Devil falls in love (Tharn&Type)Where stories live. Discover now