Those Damn Eyes

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My life changed all for a dog.

A Dog

I stood over his dead lifeless body still gripping the bloody knife as he laid there bleeding out

I didn't mean to kill him.

I just wanted him to stop.

The air turned black all around me not before my eyes meet his across the field.

Icy wind slashed at his face and the rain danced its evil dance upon his beautiful face, studying me with those damn bright green eyes. Just for a brief second I saw that smirk that got me here in the first place

"Hey Raven, you think you can cover my shift tonight?"

Tonight was a Friday. My mother had set me up on another blind date. I was trying to get out of it , but she  knew all my tricks.

She was worried about me. I was twenty eight with no potential prospects of a serious relationship headed somewhere.

While everyone was having fun and dating and living life, I had a mountain of medical school debt along with my recently deceased father's medical debt. I had no time for dates, but m mother was going to make sure I made time.

"Sure. I owe you a favor anyway"

"Great" Lacey beamed

Lacey was my college roommate and best friend. We now worked together as well as still live together.

She touched up her makeup in the locker mirror, getting ready to head out for the night.

I knew I wasn't going to see her until the morning.

'Beep' 'beep'

'You can't cancel. If you cancel then I will reschedule for tomorrow night'
'I have to cover a shift tonight. Do as you please'

I stuffed my phone back into my white coat

"Your mom still giving you a hard time?"

I shook my head taking a bite of my apple "yea"

"I don't see why you just won't go out with someone Raven. You would have no trouble getting a guy, your drop dread gorgeous"

I had one relationship that ended badly before everything went to shit. I found him fucking my cousin because I refused to give him what he wanted. He said I drove him into the arms of another.

He was a narcissist and controlling. He got off on mentally hurting people.

"You have to let go this Liam thing. The best thing you did was get away from the asshole. Is that why you moved here? Running from him?"

"No" I answered which was half the truth. I wasn't running from something rather than someone besides Liam

Something I shouldn't have seen

She closed the door shimmying off her white coat

"Well I'm gone" she winked "I am going to get some. Done get home to late."

I sat with my back against the locker mentally preparing myself for the next few hours

"Dr.Knight" Sam the receptionist burst in "we have an emergency up front"

"What do we have?"

"There's a Farmer needing assistance with a breached birth"

Getting up, I meet the old Farmer at the desk

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