Chapter One

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The Old Avery

You sat with your colleagues from The Jackdaw at a long, beaten wooden table under the large tree that grew at the front of The Avery and sipped from your tankard of ale. It was crewman Jacobs birthday and the rest of the crew were all there to see he celebrated it in style.

It was a beautifully clear, still evening on Nassau that night, there was not a breath of wind to speak of and the only sound heard other than the laughter of the crew was the distant sound of waves breaking onto the nearby beach.

The Tavern was packed to the rafters that night, so much so, revellers spilled out onto the street below. There were crew mates from The Queen Anne's Revenge and The Benjamin all drinking heartily and making sure Jacob had a night he'd most certainly remember or not as was so often the case. Truth be told celebrations like this, were usually just an excuse for drinking too much and taking advantage of the local wenches.

Across the decking at a smaller table Edward sat with James Kidd and Thatch, the three liked to meet up every few months or so to discuss business and potential raids but once the rum began to flow it usually descended quickly into a drunken night of song and lewdness with the rest of the crew, this night had begun no differently.

"He's turned out alright for you, that lad of yours Kenway" growled Thatch looking over to Jacob and swigging from his bottle of rum.

"I'd have put money on him not being up to a life on the seas.....seemed too soft" he went on

"Aye, he's a good lad Thatch, a hard worker.... he'll make a fine pirate one day, but let's face it....he's learning from the finest himself eh" Edward replied with a lopsided smile drinking his ale

The others sat at the table laughed and jeered loudly at Edwards response and waited for Thatch's reply.

"The finest?....Is that so numb nuts!" Jested Thatch with a wheezed laugh "living a life serving under a half cocked cap'n like you......poor bastard!"

Edward laughed

"Aye, half cocked?......let's face it though Thatch..... I learnt everything I know from you!"

The others around the table jeered louder, while Thatch laughed loudly.

"That you did Kenway, that you did" replied Thatch still laughing slightly taking a long gulp from his bottle.

With that there was a loud commotion coming from across the other side of The Avery, everyone at the table looked round quickly, seemed a couple of Thatch's crewmen were squaring up to each other. A space had already began to clear around them in the anticipation of a fight breaking out.

"For fucks sake!" Muttered Thatch peering over

"That crewman Lowe is a liability..... start a fucking fight in a room on his own that one" He continued, pushing himself to his feet

"I'd best go sort this out" He sighed "We'll speak later Kenway"

Edward lifted his ale with a nod to Thatch and smiled.

They watched as Thatch disappeared into the throng of jeering men

"I'll be headed off to Tulum in a week or two Kenway, you thought on anymore about coming with me?" Kidd asked

"I reckon it'd be good for you man" He continued.

"More Assassin business Kidd? Nah, I think not, I'm going to idle here a while longer....I've got things I could be doing" He replied

Kidd watched on as Edwards eyes followed you across the tavern.

"You're not still chasing that piece of skirt from your ship are you Kenway? That's got to be a record for you, Id have had you for bored of her by now" Asked Kidd quietly leaning in

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