Chapter 20

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Leaving Kidds ship, the three of you walked through the dusty streets of Havana towards the Governors mansion.

"We're most grateful that you're doing this Miss" Katherine said glancing to you as you walked

"we cannot afford for the Templars to get hold of those shards, the result could be truly catastrophic"

"I've not got it yet" you replied quickly "thank me afterwards...... If I make it out alive" you added quietly

"'ll be absolutely fine" Kidd said, patting you lightly on the shoulder "I've see you knock Kenway off his feet, a couple of Templars will be nothing for you".

You smiled at Kidds attempt to calm you, it was true to say you'd become a little jittery at the thought of going back in there alone.

Katherine lead the way as you made your final approach to the mansion grounds down a dusty side alley.

"I have a few friends ready to help you" she said quietly as her eyes darted around the crowds closeby

"Help me?" You questioned nervously

Katherine didn't answer, her eyes scanned around you. They finally trained on a small group of burly looking men that had gathered close by, a few of them swayed drunkly in the early evening hue. Katherine strode over to speak with them.

"Them?!?" You exclaimed surprised. "They're going to help me?.......they need help themselves...... they can barely stand"

You turned slightly to Kidd

"I'm dead aren't I " you sighed worriedly

"Let's just see what she's got planned" Kidd replied placing his hand on your shoulder, his voice tinged with a slight air of doubt.

Katherine strode back over with one of the men, his dirty weathered face looked slightly familiar to you as he approached

"I know you" you said quietly as he scuffed up to where you stood

His blood shot eyes focused on your slight frame before him, his face frowned slightly as he thought upon your words

"Eli isn't it?" You mused

There was a moment of silence as his eyes flicked up and down. Slowly, the confused frown lifted from his face

"Bloody hell aye!" He said nodding "I remember now, you were the one that paid me to get you out of there.... Few weeks back weren't it?"

You smiled slightly and nodded

"Jaysus woman.... First you want out and then you want back in...... you need to make your bloody mind up" he said dryly

"Mr Brown and his colleagues here are going to cause enough distraction long enough for you to get in, you wait until the guards leave their posts then you make your move, you got that?" She questioned

You nodded nervously

"Right, are your men ready to go?" She asked Eli

"Aye, as ready as they'll ever be I suppose" he smiled a toothless yellowed smile before stumbling off back to the group of men, he placed his arms around a couple of them while he spoke to them quietly

"Ok then" said Katherine turning to you,

"That gate there is your way in, up the stone steps and into the ground floor of the mansion, then the rest is up to you" she said nodding towards the mansion

You breathed a deep sigh as you tried to steady your heart from pounding from your chest nervously, this was really happening and now

"Good luck" Katherine smiled as she placed her hand on your shoulder, with a slight nod of the head she strode away and disappeared quickly into the nearby crowds

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