Chapter 17

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Kidd's ship powered quickly and effortlessly through the inky black nighttime sea, sails full and billowing wildly. The seas swell slapped noisily against the large wooden hull as it made its voyage, it's course set firmly for Tulum.

You sat below deck alone in Kidd's crews quarters, the sporadically lit metal lanterns swung as the ship leaned to and fro on its journey.Their candle lit shadows danced menacing shapes along to the ships creaks and groans as it powered along.

Knock knock

Pulling yourself from your deep thoughts you glanced up to the darkened doorway to see Kidd entering, he carried with him a thick woollen blanket draped over one arm and a cup of steaming something in the other hand.

"Can I come in?" He asked leaning in from the door jam

You smiled lightly and straightened from your slumped position, lifting your head from your hand.

"It's your ship" You replied quietly as Kidd walked towards you, his feet scuffing noisily on the wooden floorboards

"Thought you may be getting cold Lass" He said placing the woollen blanket down on the table in front of you

"Thank you" you smiled, your eyes following his hands as he placed it down

"And a hot cup of tea" He placed the tumbler quietly down on the table in front of you "unless you wanted anything stronger?"

"No...Teas lovely Kidd, Thank you" you replied taking the tumbler with both hands, wrapping your fingers around its welcoming warmth.

There was a moment of awkward silence between you, almost like each of you waited for the other to speak without knowing what to say.

"Right then" Kidd sighed suddenly "I'll leave you be......we'll be arriving in Tulum first light so try and get some rest before then eh" He turned beginning to leave

"Kidd" You called stopping him dead in his tracks before he completely left "I'm.... sorry we never got on"

Kidd's eye line dropped to the floor and he turned slowly to face you, releasing a deep breath he began to walk haltingly back over to where you rested.

"There's things you don't know lass, things you'll never understand, life just ain't as simple as you think it is..... that's all" he said pulling out a chair out so he could sit down, its legs screeched loudly along the wooden floorboards as it moved.

Perplexed somewhat, you watched him lower himself as he sat now opposite you at the table. You lifted the tumbler you held with both hands and sipped at your steaming hot tea.

"Look lass, about Edward....... He's got a calling, a true calling within our brotherhood, he just doesn't bloody know it fully himself yet. He's so easily distracted it's like dealing with a bloody child with too many toys at times....... Really, please don't take it's not you......really"

Staring blankly at the table top you gestured a slight nod as you listened to his words

Kidd paused awkwardly "......... look I ummmm I wanted to say thank you for saving my arse on top of that wall today, couldn't have been the easiest of things to do, I've said some pretty nasty things to you along the way, I wouldn't have blamed you if you'd have left me there"

You glanced up looking Kidd directly in the eye, you were surprised and a little taken back to hear his sincerity aimed towards you for the first time,

"That's appreciated Kidd and Likewise eh...... I'd have probably been filleted right there and then had you not hauled me up there...... Look, once we're back in Nassau I'll be away so you needn't worry about Edward getting distracted anymore eh" You forced a smile as you watched your fingers turn your tumbler slowly round in your hands.

For The Black FlagOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora